I decided to post now 'cause a lot of things will get in my way later. (Like homework, projects, blah blah blah) Ok, enough rambling. Anyway, this week's theme is: Inoo Kei! :D Why yes, Kei reminds me of pink. XDDD You could pictures of him from the days when he was in the Ya-Ya-Yah show, or pictures of him in Dream Boys, or pictures of him now. Anything is ok. :D
http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/398/communityiconof2.png Rules:
→ You can submit up to 3 icons only.
→ Icons must be newly made and should not be advertised until the week is over.
→ Icons must meet LJ requirements.
→ Please upload on sites that allow hotlinks (Imageshack, Photobucket, etc.).
→ Deadline of entries is on July 4, 2008. 10:00pm
Manila Time.
Comments are screened. Good luck everyone! Happy icon making! :D