Week 003 Submission: Ultra Music Power

Jun 07, 2008 23:19

Well, I think this is what chocolatecrack wanted. XD; So feel free to interpret this week's theme, Ultra Music Power. From screencaps to shop photos to cd covers to lyrics. :]


URL: http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/398/communityiconof2.png

→ You may submit up to 3 icons only.
→ Icons must be newly made and should not be advertised until the week is over.
→ Icons must meet LJ requirements.
→ Please upload on sites that allow hotlinking (Imageshack, Photobucket, etc)
→ Deadline of entries is on June 14, 2008, 8:00PM Manila Time.

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week 003: ultra music power, submission

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