Ripped off at the pumps?

Nov 05, 2007 13:04

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

I just filed a complaint against a gas station in my community. Last week, the pump sprung up by almost a nickel before I ever even pulled the trigger on the nozel. I know there are those petroleum-reseller apologists among us who like to say that all is fair in love and gasoline… but they’re wrong. It’s wrong to get ripped off at the pump.

Frankly, Once-a-year testing is not accurate enough for Gas stations. They should be required to have the pumps recertified every month. It’s too easy for a bad pump, inadvertently or not, to short the dealer or the consumer. Funny how it’s almost always the consumer, though. Hmm… I wonder why that is?

For everything that the state of Wisconsin gets right with its Website, here’s a place where they fail: “The Consumer Protection Consumer Complaint Form.” It’s an ugly,generic, catch-all form with a oddball “Required” field in the middle of an optional field set. Strangeness. There should be a “File a weights and measures” complaint form, don’t you think? They have a seperate PDF for filing a weights and measures complaint, but not a seperate online form.

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