Yes, back again with another translation of JUMPaper . Hope it's not as long as yuto's. This time, it's Chinen Yuri's turn.
Chinese translation and emoticons credited to
頑張りま賞Those written in [ ] are also written by him.
Hello everyone
I'm Chinen~
It's the test week this week, the tests for 6 subjects are already over, however the teacher for Social Studies told me i won't be able to get 90marks (for the paper) (for this, he actually meant that he believe it'll probably be 90 and above but the teacher actually told him otherwise), thus my feeling is very
[i think is roughly 89marks] (wow~ he must be really good in studying or working really hard)
Therefore, it's better to end it here (writting JUMPaper)
I can't
I do understand. (he's thinking to express that he's actually just kidding about ending JUMPaper) In that case, let's continue
Apparently (he wrote talking about it), Arashi's concert had already been decided
I 'm actually deciding to go for the one held in the Kokoritsu (National Arena) (thanks to nightbaron079 for the correction)
Because i didn't have the chance to go last year, therefore, i'm really happy right now~ [It's be good if there's time on that day] (another showing of he's love to Rida(Ohno Satoshi) Arashi)
We're having our own concert before Arashi's concert, therefore i'll have to concentrate my energy on our concert first
Because of the effect of feeling that the concert this time will be more splendid than the previous one, i'll also ask for everyone to really look forward to it
If it's about the current situation, there's nothing besides tests, things that could be written really is....。(he's trying to show that he's thinking very hard but there's really nothing else to write about)
However, I'll still continue to work hard for the tests
Target is 90marks and above
(like i said, he really work very hard)
In that way, I'll need to focus within the studying for my tests~
Bye Bye
Wow~ this is really kind of short but i guess he really wanted to focus on his study. He's truly working hard so "Good luck, Chinen!". Let's pray for his success in his test together!!
Corrections and comments are love :)
Cross-posting to a few places