All the Courage You Have Left

Feb 15, 2012 03:39

Title: All the Courage You Have Left
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Rumpelstiltskin/Belle, Moe French, Regina Mills
Genre: romance, angst
Spoilers: 1x12, "Skin Deep"
Warnings: brief, non-graphic mention of violence/abuse
Summary: He knows, having lost her once, he will lose her again.
Word count: 1900ish
Author's note: This is my first Once Upon a Time ( Read more... )

oneshot, rumpelstiltskin/belle, rating: pg, fic: once upon a time

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Comments 16

vickysg1 February 15 2012, 16:11:51 UTC
Lovely fic! I had a good time reading it!


hey_doey_doey February 15 2012, 17:01:09 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.


collectively February 15 2012, 17:53:59 UTC
AHH MY FEELINGS AUGH! *g* This was absolutely beautiful. I can't get enough of this pairing. I've given some thought to a Storybrooke version of their relationship, too, and this was a lovely take on it. Thank you for sharing! <3


hey_doey_doey February 15 2012, 18:01:19 UTC
Aw, thanks, I'm glad you liked it.


gl12 February 16 2012, 02:51:29 UTC
Like everybody else here, it seems, I was instantly in love with this ship. This is a touching piece. Your language and pacing captures Rum's sadness and resignation. I love that he knows he should leave it alone but he can't stop himself from taking the fragment of tenderness he can get. Lovely!


hey_doey_doey February 17 2012, 00:29:03 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)


redbrunja February 17 2012, 22:56:00 UTC

I really loved Mr Gold's attempts to stay away and how he can't quite manage it.


hey_doey_doey February 17 2012, 23:09:25 UTC
Thank you. :) I'm glad you liked it.


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