OOM - Test Thread - Miami- "...So this is Michael?"

Jun 21, 2011 23:05

Miami isn't everything Clementine imagined it might be. It's a little grittier, a little less tropical, and there are lots of chicks running around in bikinis. Too much competition ( Read more... )

practice, oom, sam

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hoochedseal June 29 2011, 01:42:31 UTC
Sam smiles as he kisses Clem then helps her through the door and smiles then walks back to Mikey and leans back after working in the booth.

"Let me have it."


hoochedseal June 30 2011, 05:52:10 UTC
Sam laughs. "Okay that sounds fair to me. Maybe we'll meet Jimmy Hoffa this could be where he ended up."


luvs_yogurt June 30 2011, 05:57:45 UTC
Michael casts a sidelong glance at a small child with a dragon and what looks like a man with the legs of a ram. "It wouldn't shock me at this rate. I'm tempted to look into real estate."


hoochedseal June 30 2011, 06:24:32 UTC
"That could be nice. I think that Harry Potter comes here. Now how does that work?"

He looks over at Mikey with out moving his head.


luvs_yogurt July 1 2011, 03:50:44 UTC
Michael chuckles slightly, and then shakes his head. "You can catch up to her if you like, man... don't let me hold you up."


hoochedseal July 5 2011, 03:57:29 UTC
Sam shrugs." It's okay I'll catch her again soon. Don't worry about it. absence makes the heart grow fonder."


luvs_yogurt July 5 2011, 04:22:13 UTC
He nods again. "I don't know what our next move is, yet." He gently taps his fingers against the table, and then divulges; "It's looking like I'm going to have a job in a couple days, waiting on the details before I approve it but I'll probably need your help if you're up for it."


hoochedseal July 5 2011, 04:31:28 UTC
"Sam, yeah Mikey. I'm always up for it. What is it going to be surely you have an outline for it."


luvs_yogurt July 5 2011, 04:48:38 UTC
Michael nods slowly, gesturing for a fresh set of beers. He waits until they're delivered and he's taken his first long drink before answering. "Short con, flying out to Boston for two days, meet a guy - distract a wife, pick up a briefcase full of cash and fly out. Supposedly no guns, no cops, and no catch."

He snorts into his beer with another long pull, "So we'll probably end up having to blow up a building and steal a car."


hoochedseal July 5 2011, 06:12:45 UTC
He smirks in to his beer. "You got that right brother. So is the wife my job?"

I mean really who better to distract a wife? "We cab;t take c4 on a plane they frown on that."


luvs_yogurt July 5 2011, 06:25:47 UTC
"Quite true." He laughs, "Not sure what the cover is, still waiting on that part." He offers a slight shrug, "Like I said, though... chances are it'll go to hell like it or not."


hoochedseal July 5 2011, 06:30:03 UTC
"When as a job gone as easy as they say? And if it does you are already waiting for it to go to hell in a handbasket so it's all like Meh."


luvs_yogurt July 5 2011, 06:38:51 UTC
Michael nods again, the beer starting to settle in very nicely. "Yeah, but this one..." He trails off for a moment. "It's a set up, I'm pretty sure. But... probably a tight bit of cash to pull if we make it out."


hoochedseal July 5 2011, 07:07:30 UTC
"Who want's to kill the old lady?" That seems like the only reason to him it would be a set up.


luvs_yogurt July 5 2011, 07:09:38 UTC
He shakes his head again, "I don't know. I don't even know if she's the target - but if I had to pick one I'd say her."

He pauses and adds; "Or I'm the target."


hoochedseal July 5 2011, 07:48:41 UTC
Sam takes a drink as he thinks about it. "I see. Well then we better take a whole crew."


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