Title: Brother Bear
Fandom: Supernatural, RPS
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Wordcount: 2493
Summary: Jensen stayed away from Jared for the sake of both of them, and was missed more than he expected.
Author: uena
Warnings: None
Rating: G, I guess
Instruction: J2 discover their love with the help of one specific word: "brown bear"
Brother Bear
“Dude, what are you doing to yourself?“
Jensen stood in the door to the living room, gazing in horrified shock, his green eyes fixed on his co-star, who was on the sofa in a state that clearly wasn’t far away from being revolting. As a matter of fact, it was revolting. Jensen could smell Jared across the six foot and a few inches that were departing them, and while he used to quite, well, like the smell of a clean, candy devouring Jared, he kind of detested the one Jared was radiating now.
“When did you last take a shower?”
Jared gave no answer, just did this shrug with his shoulders that said “Well, it doesn’t matter, does it?” while keeping his eyes on a documentary that he’d already been watching when Jensen had forced himself into the house unannounced, and Jensen made an exasperated noise.
“Come on, Jare, don’t do that to yourself. I know you’re sad, but …”
He stopped himself, before he said something stupid like “You know that I will always be there for you,” and scratched his forehead.
“The brown bear is a loner,” Jared quietly observed, and Jensen kind of feared that he had lost his mind over his own smell.
“I beg your pardon?”
“The brown bear is a loner,” Jared repeated, and finally lifted his heavy lidded eyes to look at Jensen, “I think, I’m going to try that for a while.”
Jensen needed a few seconds then he nodded. “Fine with me. But, you know, even loners make sure they don’t smell like shit, so they can give it a shot when the opportunity arises - so get your hairy ass off that sofa, and go take a shower, you big freak!”
Jared’s lips quivered into an insecure smile, and Jensen finally closed the breech between them and moved towards the sofa.
“Don’t make me hurt you, brother bear, you know I can.”
Jared looked up, something like admiration in his big brown eyes, and Jensen gulped down the urge to touch his hair. He had an idea that he would get stuck on it if he tried.
“Yeah, I know,” Jared said, and finally got up towering above Jensen like a freaking bear on his heels, and Jensen finally got the metaphor. Yes, ladies and gentleman, Jared Padalecki was definitely a bear. At least he smelled like one.
Jensen watched Jared pad of in the direction of the bathroom, and gave a small sigh. It had been over a month since Jared and Sandy had broken off their engagement, and although Jared had taken it pretty well at first, getting really drunk just once, and crying into Jensen’s shoulder for the rest of the night, it was no big surprise now that he let himself go just a little bit. Jensen looked around the living room and gave another sigh. Maybe a little bit more.
He started cleaning up, finding fast-food wrappers and boxes all over the place, even under the sofa and behind the TV, and when he went to the kitchen to get rid of it, he almost jumped backwards at the sight of the mess that it was. He was going to kill Jared. He was going to chase him out of the house right now, naked as he probably was, and hunt him down with a Winchester. That would most certainly make it to the news.
Jensen made sure he would have some coffee to drink when he was finished cleaning, and started his attack on the kitchen, when he heard the shuffling and scratching of pawns across the tiled floor. He turned around to find Harley and Sadie watching him with big sad brown puppy-eyes that reminded him of their owner, and the pure fact that they hadn’t pounced on him the second he had entered the house made Jensen sick with compassion. He got down on his knees to pat them, and he even let Harley lick his face and told them in a very quiet, very concerned voice that everything would be alright. Harley at least seemed to believe him, reviving at the touch of his hand, wagging his tail like mad and pushing his nose into Jensen’s face like he was trying to kiss him.
“He sure likes you,” Jensen heard Jared’s soft voice from behind him, and didn’t turn around but kept petting Harley. He felt Jared going down beside him, watched him pulling Sadie’s left ear through his hand until she was grunting with delight, and Jensen subconsciously made sure not to pounce on him like he wanted to. Jared wore nothing but an old pair of Jeans very low on his hips to reveal both his happy trail and a pair of dark green boxers that brought out the colour of his eyes - Jensen was vaguely aware of the fact that he was one sick man - and he hadn’t even bothered to towel his hair, and thus was leaving drops of water all over the place but mostly on his naked upper-torso. Jensen swallowed a moan as Jared shuffled nearer to him, causing their elbows to touch, and sending an electric impulse through Jensen’s whole body. Jared’s skin felt warm against his, warm and ridiculously soft, and Jensen finally allowed the thought some room, that he maybe, just maybe, had a very slight, small, meaningless crush on his co-star.
“I should really tidy up!” he spluttered out and got up in haste, and Harley mistook his vigour for play and jumped around him, barking happily, while he bent over the sink, his cheeks burning, meaning to clean an amount of dishes that dwarfed him, and would soon start calling him names if he didn’t take a clean stand.
First of all, Jensen quite hated people calling him Jen, since he wasn’t gay - apart from his very slight, small, meaningless crush on his co-star - and nowhere near feminine, and Jared knew this, because, well, Jensen had told him, and had therefore so far refrained from calling him Jen, but now his voice was hoarse, like he was choking down tears, and Jensen figured Jared just hadn’t made it to the second syllable, and now he was far too busy with turning around and looking at him to be bothered. Had the guy always looked this gorgeous? Jensen was quite sure he hadn’t, because if he had that would leave absolutely no explanation to how Jensen had managed so long to stop himself from humping his leg.
“What is it?” he brought out in a tiny little voice that brought a fresh blush to his cheeks, and he had to look up, because Jared was standing so freaking close, he could feel the heat of his body.
“I … I want to … can I … would you mind if …”
Jared sounded about as coherent as Jensen felt.
And then Jared flung his arms around Jensen’s neck and gave him a bear hug that involved his whole body, and caused Jensen to take one deep draw of breath to assure he wouldn’t faint. Jensen needed a few moments to adjust to the situation then he returned the hug with just as much body and drew an interesting little groan from Jared as he started caressing his naked back. Oh God, this felt much too good to be … good. Jensen definitely needed a fallout plan.
And then Jared mumbled something like “I missed you” in the direction of his ear, and Jensen tugged him even closer. It was the first time during the hiatus that he had stayed away from Jared for the time span of more than a week to give Jared some space, and his own feelings some time to cool off, and the both of them something of a break from being around each other eighteen hours a day if not even longer, and now Jared told him he had missed him? Definitely not fair.
Jensen caught himself stroking Jareds back with something that could be mistaken for fondness, and then he caught Jared producing a noise that could be mistaken for a purr. Luckily, he was a man who never mistook anything for nothing that it wasn’t - or something like that - so he let his hand crawl up Jareds back into his wet hair and, well, let his fingers run through it a bit. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Jared made a sound like he was going to climb onto his lap and curl himself together any minute now, and Jensen figured it would be best to start cleaning the dishes right away.
He let go of Jared, observed just enough of the dreamy look in his eyes to get wobbly knees and ended up noticing that he didn’t let go of Jared the way he had meant to; that his one hand was still in Jared’s hair, while the other one, that seemed to be even a bigger traitor, had positioned itself on Jareds chest, of all places.
He felt Jared holding his breath under his palm, and looked up into his eyes that seemed somehow darker than usual, licked his lips unconsciously, and Jared’s eyes became even more intense.
“I … really should … start cleaning now.”
Jensen tried to take a step backwards and rammed the counter with his butt because - duh - he had been standing pretty close to it all along, and Jared smiled, and then it was all over.
Jared hadn’t smiled since he had broken up with Sandra - at least not his “I love all the world and I know the feeling’s mutual” smile that made Jensen’s eyes water from the blinding flashy brightness of it - and it just twisted his guts, and messed with his head, and made his heart beat like a drum, hell, it even forced some kind of reaction from his reproduction-organs, and Jensen knew that he was screwed. Jared had noticed. He must have had - not the reaction from his reproduction-organs, thank the Lord, but he pure glory of LOVE shining out of Jensen’s eyes because of that stupid goofy smile.
There it was again and this time, Jensen wasn’t ready to let himself be called a girly name. He just wasn’t, and if Jared smiled ten times like that.
“Don’t call me Jen.”
It sounded a little hoarse, but still pretty menacing, and Jensen was delighted to see Jared flinch, before he detected the obvious trace of hurt in his eyes, and he had to watch Jareds smile fade like sunlight behind storm clouds. What the fuck -?
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to … I just …”
Jared made a step backwards, and since there was no counter he could ram with his butt he made another one, and another one, and still another one till he rammed the refrigerator.
It was a sight to behold.
He looked like a sad, abandoned enormously huge teddy bear - Jensen was growing quite fond of the established metaphor - no longer wanted or needed by his superficial owner, and Jensen just couldn’t stand that expression in his eyes. Whatever he had just done to challenge that look Jared was giving him, he would make sure it would go back to where it came from immediately, and stay there for good.
“Good gracious, Jared …” was all he could bring himself to say, then he followed Jared to the fridge, placed his right hand against Jareds cheek, in what must have been a moment of mental disorder, and started stroking him with his thumb. It was pathetic, that’s what it was. He was pathetic.
“I thought, you noticed …” was all that Jared said, and Jensen was profoundly confused and thus refrained from giving an answer that would illustrate Jared just how very, very confused he was. Staying quiet and keeping the pathetic thumb-stroking up seemed infinitely more secure.
“I thought you were okay with it … I … I just missed you so much …”
Jared seemed to be quite unaware of what he was saying, his eyes were half closed and he leaned into Jensen’s touch so much that his head was tilted to his left, causing his hair to fall into his face. He looked adorable. Jensen wanted to kiss him. Badly.
“I thought you stayed away because you noticed …”
Jared sounded heartbreakingly sad and lonely, and suddenly Jensen had an epiphany, and it all made sense.
Why Jared and Sandy had broken up in the first place, why Jared had behaved like an affectionate young dog towards him afterwards, and why he had always felt like Jared had been watching him like he wanted to say something and just couldn’t. He wanted to kiss Jared even more than before, but he didn’t, he just gave a small sigh and let his thumb stroke across Jared’s bottom-lip. It felt soft against his touch, he felt Jared’s body quiver beneath him, watched, as Jared opened his mouth just a little bit while he closed his eyes some more, and Jensen had to draw his hand away before something happed that would be absolutely inappropriate given the momentary classification of their relationship.
Jared gave a little moan, frustrated, needy and totally sexy, and Jensen pulled him close and gave him another full-body hug.
Maybe Jared was a bear, but Jensen was totally one, too, and he was pretty sure to have heard that bears weren’t loners always, that sometimes they matched up and established some kind of partnership that lasted for a lifetime - and if they didn’t that just meant him and Jared had to defeat nature. Considering the fact that Jared wasn’t the threatening, aggressive but more the Pooh-kind of bear, there were probably completely different regulations for him anyway.
Jensen felt Jareds hands ghosting over his back, like he wasn’t sure what to do with them, so he took pity and gave Jared a small push, pressed him against the fridge, looked up into questioning, dark brown eyes and finally pressed his lips to Jared’s.
He heard Jared moan somewhere deep in his throat, it was the most endearing sound he had ever heard, and it send a sparkling shiver down his spine, and made him kiss Jared very much like he was trying to eat him in a very caring, very gentle way.
Jared moaned some more, his hands became finally aware of their abilities, grabbed Jensen’s t-shirt like they had the wicked plan to tear it apart, and then let go of it again to slyly sneak under the defeated fabric.
It was not until Harley literally jumped Jensen’s back to gain his attention that they let go of each other and by that time it was pretty obvious to both of them, that they weren’t friends any more.
Their relationship had moved towards something slightly more symbiotic and less space consuming to put it biologically.
The End