Harry Potter: Patronus, Summer 1997

Jan 18, 2007 16:31

Name: Harry Potter
Format: Vial of Decrypted Patronus
Date: Summer 1997
Relevance: The move of the Order Headquarters to Mad-Eye Moody's home, alludes to bringing Draco Malfoy with him-- possibility of magical intervention between Moody and Potter in the form of an Unbreakable Vow to keep Order business secret.

Coming home? )

artifact, 1997, harry_potter

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Comments 191

the_pureblooded January 19 2007, 01:53:52 UTC
Enemies closer, Potter? Don't think I like the sound of that.


harriedpotter January 19 2007, 02:14:12 UTC
Would you rather I tell them I anally violate you?


the_pureblooded January 19 2007, 03:15:49 UTC
That has a nice ring to it!


harriedpotter January 19 2007, 03:20:42 UTC
They'll probably figure it out eventually....


duelingdandy January 19 2007, 02:15:33 UTC
Haaary! Dahlink! My, how you've grown in my absense!

*pinches Harry's cheeks*

*you decide which set*


harriedpotter January 19 2007, 02:17:00 UTC
*blushes brightly*

Lockhart? Should you be... out?


duelingdandy January 19 2007, 02:20:16 UTC
Out? Of the closet?

*clasps hand over Harry's mouth*


No one knows yet.


harriedpotter January 19 2007, 02:24:22 UTC
oot oof 'aint 'ungo's!

*slaps his hand away*

Out of St. Mungo's!


favourite_son January 19 2007, 18:54:57 UTC
And how will you go about punishing dark forces, exactly? Assuming you find any to punish.


harriedpotter January 20 2007, 00:50:34 UTC
I'll tell them really long stories that never get to the point!

Or, I'll hex them. *grins*


favourite_son January 21 2007, 10:35:45 UTC
That does't really sound like punishment to me. Unless they were extremely boring stories and still, that's more like a mild telling off.


harriedpotter January 21 2007, 10:54:30 UTC
I guess I'll have to stick with the hexing!


hexedherne January 21 2007, 20:20:20 UTC
But not too close. Right? Always best, even when you're keeping your enemies close, to keep 'em not that close at all. That's how the end of that proverb goes.


harriedpotter January 21 2007, 22:59:23 UTC
...well... I mean... he's not... totally an enemy...


twolions January 23 2007, 20:03:26 UTC
It is the most secure.
Though I've promised him there shall be no parties or quidditch games at his clubhouse.


harriedpotter January 23 2007, 20:07:36 UTC
What? No Quidditch? *sighs*

We can still play at the Burrow, right?


twolions January 23 2007, 20:13:18 UTC
*shakes his head then grins*
We'll just have to find something else to do to relieve some of the war-related tension.
Burrow and well, we could play at our cottage- Fleur and mine- except the risk to the garden.

*sobers a bit*
Look, I'm a bit worried about Malfoy being here.


harriedpotter January 23 2007, 20:15:49 UTC
We could always--

*blinks at the mention of Malfoy*

Oh. Er... yeah? What are you worried about?


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