Gideon Prewett, Resolutions, 1977

Jan 05, 2007 23:20

Name: Gideon Prewett
Format: Resolutions
Date: 1 January 1977
Relevance: Gideon's resolutions for the year 1977

Stack of newspapers: "Not get too annoyed with this"

Augustus Rookwood: "Get more of him"

Raspberry jam: "Continue to eat inordinate amounts of this"

Gideon in a garden at home: "Invite a certain someone to Wales"

Assortment of vile ostrich feather quills: "Kill the person who ordered 100 of THESE for the office"

Very sorry. This entry had to be redated to 1977, because Gideon's puppet mistress isn't quite bright enough for calculating years. *rolls eyes*

1977, gideon_prewett, resolutions

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