Title: Prelude to Conflict Chapter 18: Imborrable Pecado Characters:España y Portugal Rating: PG-13 Summary: It is not the people who bind us, but our choices that never allow us to be free.
Title: Prelude to Conflict Chapter 17: Xénoi sto Skotádi Characters: Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt Rating: PG-13 Summary: A stranger is only someone whose heart you haven't touched yet.
Title: Prelude to Conflict Chapter 16: Mar dos Sonhos Characters: England and Portugal Rating: PG. Summary: Wherever the waves may take me, my heart will be content.
Title: Prelude to Conflict Chapter 13: Katapίsteyma Characters: Ancient Greece and Persia Rating: PG-13. Summary: Can alliances built upon sand ever be anything more?
Everlasting Night Title: Prelude to Conflict Chapter 11: Consuelo Characters: España, Byzantine, and Portugal Rating: PG-13 Summary: The loving is sweet, big sister knows all...
Everlasting Night Title: Prelude to Conflict Chapter 10: Idus Martiae Characters: Rome and Ancient Greece Rating: PG-13 Summary: Loss is never easy for anyone...