Feb 26, 2011 11:12

 Jumping right into this one too because I saw that a few people really liked this idea. Besides, because it's still February you guys are getting a headstart so shhh no complaining ;)

How it works: You (lovely community members) take a picture in your game that you feel BEST represents the month's theme.  You will then send your picture (that you have uploaded to Tinypic, Photobucket, etc) to my Livejournal inbox. During the last week of March, I'll look over them and choose the one that best represents the theme and has the best composition. An entry will then be made  displaying the winning picture ALONG WITH all the other entries.

THEME FOR MARCH: Seven Deadly Sins ( here is a reference in case you don't know what they are )

I. I want to see a GOOD quality picture. Although you CAN turn in a low quality snap shot, it would be best to put some effort into this. I know not everyone is good with Photoshop but that doesn't matter because anyone can take a good picture. For tips on how to take great shots, see here.
II. Sims 1, 2 or 3 are all acceptable.
III. MUST be Hetalia-related. Please don't take any cross-over pictures. We don't all have the same fandoms outside of Hetalia, so play it safe.
IV. Keep it fairly clean. Nudity is fine as long as the parts are censored.
V. Only turn things in DURING the month that the theme occupies. I know I'll post the next theme a few days before its month, but please refrain from sending me pictures until the actual month begins. Take the few extra days to plan or procrastinate. 
VI. Pictures can be funny, sad, depressing, derpy-- I don't really care. All that matters is how well and how creatively you interpret the theme!

That's it for now. I'm pretty exicted to see all the nice pictures you all will be making~ Good luck! c:
If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll happily answer. 

picture of the month

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