I think you'll find I'm the hero.

Sep 11, 2010 14:49

It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Generally I'm called Sam~
Gender: Is Ke$ha a gender? No? Then I'm female.
What do you LOVE?: Other languages, glitter, cute things and living in England for a start. I love when it's a hot day and it's been raining all afternoon, and it stops just as the sun is setting; it's so perfect for me. I love to shop for and give others gifts. Also, complimenting and/or gushing over people. I don't know, I just love making people feel good. Going out with people and doing nothing for hours. Talking about nothing. Staying up into the most ungodly hours to, again, talk about nothing. Even though this is rather contrary to my last point, sleeping. People who can sing. People who can draw. Violinists. Talented people! Leaning on things/people. Knowing things about people nobody else does. Reading under trees. Weeping willows. Technology and the internet. Baking! Geeking out about things. Chinatown. Pretty girls. Having my way. Whipped cream; not in a creepy sexual way, I just really love things with whipped cream on them. Having said that, I like sexy food too. If that makes any sense at all (which it probably doesn't). Oh, and, making poor life choices!
And what do you HATE?: Horror films. English people that act like they're American. People who have fake Facebook middle names/surnames like "Bieber" or "Jonas" or "Cullen". Making decisions by myself. Being told what to do in an outright way if it doesn't suit me; generally, I prefer being told what to do much more subtly. Unromantics. Criticism, because I take everything to heart. And praise, because I never really feel like I deserve it. Being ignored. People who don't show the one they love that they actually love them, because I really cannot stand the whole "s/he loves me deep down" kind of thing. People who disagree with something, but then don't say why. When someone brings up that they're upset/angry, and when you ask 'why?' or 'what happened?' they either don't want to talk about it or get mad and say it's nothing to do with you. When someone puts down something (or even someone) that I like. The light neverending rain and the cold. Pain. Caramel, fudge and dairy foods (excluding cream, that is ice and whipped). Dogs. People who don't stick up for themselves. People who don't appreciate when you're simply trying to help.
Strengths: I'm not afraid to say what I think...even if it takes me a while to do so. Morally, I'm incredibly strong and I'm willing to stand up for what I believe in. I pick up languages very quickly. I can make pretty quick retorts when I want to. I buy ideal gifts. I'm loyal, fiercely so and I always have a way of finding out what's going on. I can easily switch from my usually oblivious personality to being able to know exactly what people really mean when they say something. I'm not sure if this is a strength or a weakness...but I find it hard to stay angry for a while. I stay upset, but never angry.
Weaknesses: Total airhead, academically. I'm completely unambitious and don't take risks. At a first glance, I seem quite clever but actually I'm really unintelligent, and I'm completely okay with that. Having said that, I am always right. Which is a weakness because if anything goes wrong, it's my fault. Which it won't. But still. I am secretly incredibly possessive and yandere towards those I love. I'm also incredibly dependent on said people, and if I don't see/speak to them for more than a few days, I literally and honestly cannot function properly. I'm actually pretty weak physically and give up too easily. Oh, and I'm lazy. Very lazy. I need to be constantly reminded that I'm loved or wanted. I swear too much, and I get angry very quickly and accidentally take it out on those I love most.

Hobbies: Doing nothing, sleeping, proving others wrong, MSN, Facebook, drawing terribly, singing awfully, not doing my chores, learning languages, eating pizza, listening to music, people watching, looking at pretty dresses I secretly really want to wear, the internet, playing video games, creating alternate personalities, trolling, and this is a weird one but you know when someone needs the back of their dress or something zipped up? I always volunteer to do that.
Favorite Color: Apple green and sunshine yellow.
What is your favorite food?: Char siu in black bean sauce...or pizza.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): Ah, I'm going to have to say England because it's such a lovely place, even in the dingy north where I live.
Mature or Childish?: I laugh a hell of a lot at things that are barely even funny, so I'll go with childish.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Follow. I could never handle the responsibility of a leader.

Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: ...Ah. Canada because I just want to hug his adorable little self and never let go.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: Bloody Sunday, hands down.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: ...Poland. Definitely Poland.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: I'll tell him he can jog the fuck on because I absolutely despise horror films.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: Umm, Franada, Spamano, Russia/China or LietPol.

Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Spirits, yeah.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: I run away and let someone else take charge.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: A dark corridor so I can RTC and stuff. Lots of Chinese food and pizza, an internet connection and my phone.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Hair blowing everywhere and Baltic Close! Oh, and I'm about 5'8" if that makes any difference.

Any final words?: I'm gonna ride my bike until I get hoooooome.
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?: Eins,  zwei,  drei!
Oh, can I see your vital regions?: I'm afraid they already belong to another.

stamped!sealand, !stamped

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