Edit: The cut and the other stuff don't seem to be working, and I have no idea why! I'm not good at using LJ. I'll try to put a cut in a different way for now, but could somebody please help me and tell me what should I do with this ; _ ; I’m a hero! …At least I’d like to be!
It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: My real name is Salli and practically everyone calls me that, even though I don’t really like my name… I just don’t have any nicknames. In the amazing world of internet, I’m either Holly or Minya40.
Gender: Female.
What do you LOVE?: Walking outside alone on a clear, warm night in early autumn when it’s really dark. I also love drawing, delicious fruits, spending time with friends and just letting my thoughts wander (I usually need somebody to pull me back to the real world or I might just sit somewhere staring blankly even though I was in a hurry)
And what do you HATE?: I’m very optimistic and don’t hate many things. One of the few things is whiny people. The kind that can’t understand other people’s feelings and try to make them do something they don’t want to.
Strengths: I can be very calm and mature when I want to. If my friends are doing something stupid, I’m the one saying: “Guys, maybe this isn’t a good idea after all”. But I’m also fun loving. If I’m in the right company, you can see me doing all sorts of random and crazy stuff (I’d LOVE to try skydiving). I’m always positive and try to find the good things even if things don’t seem to be going well. I tend to think that I’m kind and caring. I usually think about others before myself and I’m pretty social and want to be friends with (almost) everyone that wants to be my friend. I’m kind of ambitious and aim high so when I really start doing something, I fully devote myself to it.
Weaknesses: Sometimes I’m not confident enough about myself. I used to be very concerned about what my friends think of me, do they like me or not, and tried to hide some sides of myself. Nowadays I've gotten more confident though, and don't worry about that much. But then again, I’m kind of ambitious and if I can do something better than somebody, I might get a bit cocky and think that I’m a bit better than I really am, although I keep these thoughts to myself and try not to brag. I sometimes get melancholic without a real reason.
Hobbies: Anime/Manga (duh), drawing and fencing. I also like reading, but nowadays I don’t read as many books as I used to. And oh, also cosplay and sewing in general. I like to sew plushies : 3
Favorite Color: Oh, this is a hard one… Maybe turquoise?
What is your favorite food?: Another hard one! Hmm, I like Karelian hot pot a lot.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): I’ve got to say, my dear home country Finland. I’m happy that I get to live in this beautiful country.
Mature or Childish?: As said, I can be either mature or childish, depending on the situation. I could say that I’m mature when needed and childish when I feel like it.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: It depends a lot. I do like leading if it’s something I can do well, and the others are willing to listen to me. Otherwise follow.
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: Hmmm, France maybe XD I think he’s a wonderful character, and somehow I’m always drawn for the romantic type.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: The one where Finland tells Sweden about Poland and Lithuania fighting against Prussia < 3
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: It depends on what kind of hamburger/tea! I don’t like the hamburgers at McDonalds, but I like the hamburgers at Hesburger (at least their normal hamburgers). I like tea too if it’s some nice brand. And if I get to use sugar. LOTS of sugar.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: POLAND I like their “old” outfits, like the ones Finland and Sweden had in the strip that I mentioned before and Austria’s chibitalia outfit. I like anything with poofy sleeves or pants.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: I don’t know since I don’t watch scary movies… I’m afraid of them. I mean, really afraid. ; _ ; But I guess I’d pick something popular, like the Ring.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: SuFin. < 3 I’m obsessed with it. It’s such a cute pairing!
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: I’m scared of them, but I don’t know, maybe not? I can’t be sure though…
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Battles are won with tactics!
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: something to take me back to the civilication A massive pile of SuFin fics and art, a sketchbook (with a pencil) and someone to keep me company (AND IF I GET HUNGRY I CAN EAT THEM -wait, what did I just say?)
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: I’m kinda short and round-faced. I’m not thin but not fat either. I have light brown hair with bangs. My hair’s long and a bit curly and I have glasses.
Any final words?: I feel like I know myself pretty well, but it's still hard to describe myself. I've changed over the past two years alot, so I'm having a bit trouble - like the thing with my confidence. I think I was over-confident at first, but then all sorts of depressing things happened and my self-confidence went really REALLY low. Now it's gotten better again, but I feel a bit confused over the situation. Also, I'm the kind of person who might seem quiet or shy at first, but when I get used to the other person, I'll open up. My friends have seen me all sorts of crazy stuff that you wouldn't think I'd do when you first saw me.
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?: I would, really, but I’ve lost the links ; _ ;
Oh, can I see your vital regions?: Ehh? Are you joking?