**Sorry about the !stamped and !unstamped tags. It won't seem to let me take away a tag, just add one.
It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Samantha
Gender: FFFFFFF-
What do you LOVE?: I love a lot of stuff! I love learning things and writing. I love reading, listening to music, acting a fool, the colour purple. love all my internet friends. I love fire, alone time, and the Oxford comma. I love gumbo and sushi and fried catfish. I love things that glitter and stories about dragons. I love playing DDR when no one's around to watch. I love strawberries on angel food cake. I love hot sauce, dear GOD I love hot sauce.
And what do you HATE?: I hate when people write u instead of 'you.' I hate that the powers that be have apparently taken one of the spaces out of the 'between sentence' space. I hate the fact that one of my eyes is smaller than the other. I hate trees with pollen. And flowers with pollen. And anything with anything that will set off my allergies which is everything. I hate that everyone in my family thinks they know what's best for me.
Strengths: I'm pretty smart. I realize my limits and don't try to go over them (well, I consider that a strength.) I'm very detail oriented, which I think is a good thing. I'm a very good listener, and I'm good at following orders/directions/other similar words.
Weaknesses: I am so indecisive it hurts; I can't even decide whether or not I should take food home as leftovers, sometimes. I have a pretty bad memory; I'm not very good at remembering things even if they only happened the day before. I'm pretty shy around strangers. I don't like being touched; is that a weakness? I'm very quiet, which is a weakness when I'm trying to order something to eat at a restaurant during a rush. I'm kind of apathetic, so I often hurt peoples feelings/offend people/offend sensibilities. I couldn't do math well if you paid me.
Hobbies: Reading, colouring in colour books, writing, sketching silly things, playing video games, singing, painting
Favorite Color: Green. Any kind of green, but especially olive green and forest green. Purple is a very close second.
What is your favorite food?: Um. Do I have to choose one? I like the gumbo my grandma makes. I love sushi. Shrimp is amazing. Strawberries are the best fruit ever. I like cornbread and pancakes. I CAN'T CHOOSE.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): Japan. With Canada coming in a close second. (Oh my god, I'm so undeceive.)
Mature or Childish?: Depends, really. I'd say maturely childish. Dude, you're such a cop out.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: I'd actually prefer neither. It's like... 'Dude, I'm not doing that, I'm going over here. Wait, what the hell are you guys following me over here for? Go away.'
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: England. I like his sarcasm. And his unicorns~ I like how he's not just this crotchety guy, but he's also the type to play with mystical creatures.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: I really love the one with France and Greece talking about the Olympics. Whenever I try to describe Hetalia (or France) to anyone, that's the first strip I use.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Um. I really, really don't like hamburgers, so tea? But I feel the need to point out that it's sweet, iced tea. Growing up in the South of Alfred really gets in with your taste buds.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: Hmm. I think England dresses pretty sharp, I love the colour of his clothes. But America's very cool looking in that jacket of his. But... I'll have to stick with England, I think. All the girls are crazy about a sharp dressed man~
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: I wouldn't pick just one. I'd make a marathon out of it. Lots of Japanese horror films, and some really cheesy old ones --- like the old Halloweens and some Nightmare on Elm Street --- and the new Halloweens, I love those.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: I have a couple that I like equally. England/America, Italy/Germany, France/Himself, Poland/the colour pink.
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Yes. I am so interested in the paranormal it's like I'm a freaking Ghostbuster or something.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Tactics. I'm too cautious to just run in guns blazing. I want to know that I have at least a couple of escape plans, first.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: Oh god I hate these questions. I guess I'd take one of those electronic book readers? I really hate those (what's wrong with real books?) but at least then I could have as much books as it could hold. Um... second would be... crap. Can I take my laptop? I won't use it to get myself of the island or anything, I just really need the internet. And... I don't know, chapstick? I have horribly chapped lips and I can't even IMAGINE how bad they would be on a deserted island.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one:
Sorry for the horridness of it. It's what I took after I cut my hair and I took it with my webcam. So the point is reall just to show off the hair, not my face or my l33t photography skillz.
Any final words?: Um. No? I don't know what to say in unprompted social situations! You couldn't have put 'Any final words such as: ___________?', huh?
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:
ichi ni sanOh, can I see your vital regions?: *disrobes*
unrelated: lol, my spellcheck tries to change Hetalia to genitalia.