I'm an awesome hero!

Feb 02, 2010 17:25

It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Trinity
Gender: Female
What do you LOVE?

*Books (I have a lot of them. Might need a 3rd bookshelf…)

*Various types of music(I’ve recently become addicted to Tatu. Gotta love Russian music. ;p)

*Being sarcastic(I don’t go anywhere without my sarcasm.)

*Pasta & Soup(Delicious!)

*History Class(I love it even more because of Hetalia <3)

*RPGs(But I don’t own many. ;_;)

*Graphics Arts(When I get bored I make random wallpapers. XD)

*Smilies(I tend to overuse them, no? )

*Manga & Anime(Of course!)

*Fruit(It’s L-O-V-E!)
*Words(I am a logophile.)


And what do you HATE?:

*People who do stupid things or hurt others for their entertainment.

*Getting bad grades

*Waiting for something

*Badly written books

*Large projects

*Messing up on something

*Some types of meat

*Popcorn(It’s so nasty tasting. Sorry.)


*Somewhat creative

*Loyal(My best friend I’ve known for 11 years.)

*Really nice to strangers(Lawlwhut?)

*Pretty open-minded(But not 100%, no matter how much I hate to admit it. >.<;)

*Sarcastic(It’s a strength and..a weakness.)

*Can be pretty silly around friends


*Can be elitist at times




*Not very open about feelings

*has a bad habit of lying, even about stupid things

*Sarcastic(Sometimes it’s not a good thing..*shrugs*)



*Very good at procrastinating(I always procrastinate especially on big projects. Hence, why I hate them so much.)

*I tend to not think before I act or speak

*I’m perverted

*Writing, drawing, reading…that kinda stuff

*Swimming(But only in the summer.)

*Listening to music

*Playing video games with my friends(It’s much more fun to play them with two people than one)

*Surfing the internet

*Hanging out with my friends(It’s not really a hobby but..)

Favorite Color: Black
What is your favorite food?: Uhmmm…..most kinds of soup or pasta. I guess.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): Probably England, Ireland or Japan. I’ve always wanted to visit one of these countries before Hetalia and now I really want to visit England. (And Japan and Ireland but prolly not as much. xD)
Mature or Childish?: It depends. I can be pretty childish about things but I like to believe that I have a mature side as well. Mostly It’s in my mind. I’m a lot more mature on the inside then I act on the outside.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Follow. I’m way too shy to talk in front of others. >.<;

Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: It’s a tie between America and England. Why? I’m really not sure. America’s really just a silly character and I guess that’s why. And he’s my country, so that’s a factor. England, I have no clue. Maybe because I’ve always liked that country before Hetalia?(I really don’t know why…)
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: Not really. Anything with America and England or any of my other favorite pairings in it, I guess. *shrugs*
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Hamburgers, I guess. But I’d rather have pasta or soup.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: That’s a hard one…..I ‘d say Seychelles. (Lawl) I just really love her dress. Or Austria because I love his clothes too. Or Liechtenstein…xD
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: Uhmm….how about none? I can’t stand scary movies…at all. D:
Well, I’ll say Poltergeist just because it’s the first horror movie that I watched and I wonder if it still scares me. Prolly does, since I’m such a coward.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: AmericaxEngland, definitely. <3 Or Austria/Hungary when it comes to hetero pairings.

Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: A little but I’ve never seen one so I’m unsure.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Head-on! I tend to not think before I act or speak so I probably just go ahead and attack.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: My ipod, a book(Or a box full of them) and some pasta. Food, music and entertainment…check!
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Hmm….I have pretty, longish dirty blond hair. You can barely see the highlights I have. I’m average height, I guess. My eyes are this weird blue/grey/green color. And that’s all. :D

Any final words?: I’m glad to see this renewed because I think this place is slowly becoming my new addicition. It just looks so much fun. I also have tendency to ramble but it doesn’t show in my application because I didn’t feel like typing all that stuff. Not really. I’m not that lazy. Umm…nothing else to say!
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:

Oh, can I see your vital regions?: Of course…not! ;D

stamped!austria, !stamped

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