In English, it's "Beautiful Tomato"

Jul 03, 2009 18:45

Okay, I think I got this right...

Name: Jess
Gender: Female (though often mistaken for a boy)
Stamped As: Japan

Introverted or Extroverted?: It depends on the situation I'm in or the crowd I'm hanging with, but on the whole I'm pretty introverted.
Rational or Emotional?: Rational, but certain subjects get overridden by emotion.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: I want things of work out but know they won't, so I guess I'm a hopeful pessimist.
Dominant or Submissive?: Eh, probably submissive, I've got issues saying no, etc.
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Small groups
Cautious or Impulsive?: It depends on the consequences of whatever, but I'm usually quite cautious.
Pet Peeves: Disorder, animal rights activists, being dirty, uh, there's just so many things that annoy me it's not worth it to list them...

Which traits do you like in a friend?: A sense of humor! ( holy crap, that can't be emphasized enough...), heh, beyond that I take all kinds
Which traits don't you like in a friend?: clingyness, needyness, always wanting to do stuff, pretending that you know everything, uh, I dunno, I've never taken second glances at people I don't like so I can't give an accurate assessment of the traits I don't enjoy...
Introverted or extroverted? I'll take either.
Would you prefer to be their only or "best" friend, or do you not mind sharing the spotlight? Sharing is fine, they'd be shared on my end anyway.
You and your best friend have a day totally free from all other obligations and appointments. You can do whatever you want! What do you do? We'd probably hang out and watch movies and play Guitar Hero. Go to the mall and watch people, play Questions, I dunno, whatever we feel like doing, gosh!
You and your friend have an argument. What's it most likely about? Philosophy or Religion (I've gotten in so many ideological scuffles, it's not even funny) or interpretation of history (I stand by my view that the Allied Powers caused Hitler's rise to power and WWII, but let's not get into that fight.)
Your friend needs money. Would you give it to them as a gift, loan it to them and expect money back, or just not give them any? Why? It depends on their history with money, if it's a one time thing, sure, I'll float you some cash out of the goodness of my soul. If I can trust that you'll pay me back, you'll get the money, but if you're a lousy moocher (lol, I shouldn't be talking) you're not getting a cent from me.

Links to Three Applications:
Forget you guys, I'm numbering auf Deutsch:
Anything Else?: There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

theme:best friend, stamped!spain, !stamped

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