I read the rules, so I guess that makes me a hero? O_o

Feb 14, 2009 03:41

It's All About YOU

Name or Nickname: Contra, Contra_Mundi, jackass (and various other profanities when the fancy takes my sisters. -______-)

Gender: I usually like to think of myself as being androgynous, but I guess when it comes right down to it, I'm female.

What do you LOVE?: Oh, jeez. A lot. O_o Um, well: anything funny, good books, good art, reading, writing, Photoshop (*love it to bits*), drawing, red, Mozart, opera, Beethoven, classical music, Elvis Presley, money, role-playing, history, satire, Oscar Wilde, video games, anything old and dated, Diana Wynne Jones, Queen, matches. >_>

And what do you HATE?: Homophobes, closed-minded people, people with no sense of humour, people who agree with you ALL THE TIME, overly uke characters (it won't kill you to make them, y'know, STRONG?), cheese, Twilight, people who mix up "your" with "you're" and other such grammatical errors, rap, Mary-Sues, self-inserts, idiots, megalomaniacs

Strengths: I have a lot of common sense. I usually like to think over a situation before I act on it and weigh out the pros and cons. I'm smart. I pick up on things quite quickly when I want to. I think I'm creative, and I love making things pretty. I have pretty good hand-eye coordination, and I'm fairly organized (in that my-room's-a-mess-but-I-know-where-everything-is-thanks way. XD). Oh, and apparently, I'm painfully honest. I'm great at equivocation...?

Weaknesses: I'm obsessive compulsive about some things (like my manga shelf), and I'm extremely paranoid. I'm a bit of a bully, and also a little hypocritical (for instance, I say I hate closed-minded people, but I'm not willing to try rap). I'm judgemental, and I'm a bit of an elitist. It takes a lot to impress me. I'm lazy. Exceedingly so. Possibly more so than usual. I'm extremely forgetful (and I'm not sure if it's a medical condition. Again, with the paranoia). I have a good long term memory, but my short term memory sucks. And if I have no short-term memory, ergo I will not have a long term memory either. O_o I have a tendency to clam up around people I don't know, and I swear a lot with people I do know. I can be really loud, too, when I'm with friends. I'm the type of person I hate to sit in the same bus with, I think.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, singing, listening to music, playing the piano, going on the Internet, making graphics, playing video games, debating (though some people call my kind of debating "picking fights". >_>)

Favorite Color: Red, definitely. I'm with my Socialist comrades!

What is your favorite food?: Um. I don't know. Don't think I really have any specific favourites... Fairly sure that they're all unhealthy, though. O_o

Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): It's a little hard, but I want to say the UK. I went once when I was nine, and I really liked it (mostly because of the pigeons in Trafalgar Square, for some very odd reason...) or China, except the people seem to play games with traffic there.

Mature or Childish?: Mature, some of the time, because some situations just demand it, but I'm usually quite childish. I find a lot of things funny. >_>

Would you prefer to lead or follow?: I would honestly prefer to follow. If I'm in a group of people I feel comfortable with, I can be a leader, or when no one wants to step up to the job. Once I'm in control, though, I usually end up being a complete tyrant without even noticing. O_o

Let's Talk HETALIA

Favorite Character and WHY: CHINA. Well, because I'm nationalistic, I guess. XD And Malaysia doesn't feature in Hetalia, so I guess China is the next closest thing. Besides, he's adorable. =)

Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: My favourite strip has to be the last (second last?) part of the Lithuania's Outsourcing series, where everyone is at the Conference after the Great Depression.

Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Tea, thanks. =) With no sugar. Hamburgers are alright, but I'm not really a big fan of beef, and I've never really had maple syrup.

Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: Belarus. What can I say? I love her dresses...

America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: God. Ugh. GOD. I don't do scary movies. O_o I'm probably waaay worse than he is. If I had to pick one, though, it would probably be the Asian Dark Water, since that was the one that finished me for horror movies anyway.

How about a favorite ship/couple?: CHINA/RUSSIA. Hands down. They're the on-and-off couple, and their history... *A*


Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Yes.

You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: I think I would plan it. I'm too much of a coward to face them head on. Or maybe I'll just call them over and surrender conditionally? o_o Not much into fighting and war and all that.

You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: Oh no. D: Um. Well. My laptop case (which would include my wires and mouse. A-HA! Ingenius!), a knife, and Nation by Terry Pratchett, probably. That book does a pretty good job of telling you how to survive...

Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Um. I'm short. I'm Asian. I think being short comes with the territory. I have long black hair that nearly reaches my waist (but for some odd reason, I still think it's short...) and I have dark brown eyes. I wear glasses, and I have a terrible complexion. I'm not fat, but I'm not thin either. I guess I'm stocky. There's nothing really special about meee-- Oh! I'm double jointed! =D

Any final words?: I really, really, really like dogs with long legs. *A* And I'm really tired as of now. XD 4:00am is not a good time to be awake.

Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:

Oh, can I see your vital regions?: ......I don't think they're of much interest... *runs*

stamped!austria, !stamped

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