Name/nickname: Stephanie, nickname's Steph or Stephers.... or idiot
Age: 18
Gender: F
Homecountry: Malaysia
Language/s: English, Malay, Chinese
Greetings from Malaysia! I am a local introvert that does nothing but sit in front of the computer everyday and snack on stuff and become fatter by the sec-
insert something here )
Comments 25
I love the East Asian 5 too! Especially Hong Kong. <3
Anyway nice to meet you! (:
You're half Thai? :D I've been to Bangkok before... and I must say I love that place! ♥
Which part of Malaysia are you from? :D
Bad Friend Trio <33333
...w-why do you call Feliciano a bastard? D;
Bad Friends Trioooooooooo
we love themmmm
high five! -retarded smile :D-
I dunno, because Feli is in a way a bastard. Imo, he acts cute to get what he wants. Oh my headcanonnnnnnnn.
Hmm, I guess when you put it that way, it makes sense. O:
So, I see you need an Indonesian? X3 Well, here I am~
Sarawak... You are on the northern part of Borneo, am I right? I finally meet someone who is from East Malaysia!
FFFFT. I LOVE THE EAST ASIANS TOO. Hong Kong is so molestable.
I should love to be your penpal, but through the email, since letter shipping to other country is soooo expensive. So? XD
Yes indeed Hong Kong is so molestable.
Disney and FF? Have you ever tried out Kingdom Hearts? It really suits your interests ^^
I've always seen Feliciano as a guy who acts all cute because he knows what he can get out of it o.o
Also, completely unrelated, but I love your userpic ♥
I've played KH before and I say I love it. :3
... Hetalia is a different thing, however. Though the lack of female characters is depressing >.>
Kingdom Hearts ♥ At first I thought the concept wouldn't work, and I'm really glad I was wrong about that =D
When Kingdom Hearts came out, I was actually pretty excited about it, seeing how it's such a funny yet seemingly fun concept. I laughed through the first game seriously. The sequel was the one that really touched me.
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