Un Jour Avec Francis Bonnefois~Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: France/England/Canada, Prussia/France/Spain, France->America.
Rating: 3 Stars.
Original Request: After watching Episode 46 for the millionth time (The one about Chibi!England and his hair insecurities.) I noticed something about France: "AHHH! I came to pick on England, but I found a golden caterpillar instead!! - But just when I thought that, it was actually England!"
Yes, yes, I know that's just how it was subbed/written, but nonetheless I found self-narration hilarious and I'd like to see France come into a meeting one day and narrate everything he does, from taking a piss, to getting turned on by something/someone, and of course freaking everyone out around him.
"As I walked in the meeting-room, I noticed I was to be seated across from Russia. Out of the corner of my eye, his facial features resembled his older sister, so it was quite easy to fantasize about those huge luscious Ukrainian breasts."
-...I can imagine it only getting worse from there.
Bonus: He has NO CLUE he's narrating his every move and totally denies doing it.
Bonus: He's actually pretty good and narration.
Summary: France narrates his day. Even though many people find this irritating, he's still getting laid.