[part nine: fill] Sick Duty [Denmark/Iceland, Denmark/Norway]

Feb 07, 2011 14:48

Title: Sick Duty
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: Denmark/Iceland, implied Denmark/Norway
Rating: 2 stars

Original Request: Norway has to go somewhere right when Iceland gets a cold or a light flu, so Denmark is left in charge to take care of him. But Denmark happens to have a cold fetish and has a hard time keeping his hands to himself, plus he discovers that he happens to have at least some feelings towards his lover's much younger brother. Actual smut is optional, but they should do at least something.
Bonus if Denmark also gets sick and Norway figures everything out when he gets back.

Summary: Norway’s suspicions regarding Denmark’s intentions towards Iceland will be confirmed.

c:norway, c:denmark, c:iceland, f: ★★, f:part 09, p:denmark/iceland, p:denmark/norway

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