[part nine: fill] Lemonade [America, Canada]

Feb 07, 2011 03:26

Title: Lemonade
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: America, Canada
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: America's boss is suspending all discretionary spending because of the bad economy. No new roads, no new public works projects, no buying out an entire showing of Avatar so America can watch it in the theater by himself while tweeting about it on his iPhone.

So America has to come up with a way to get money, or he's screwed. (Or at least extremely bored and hungry. And no one wants to see a bored, hungry America with nukes.)

It's up to Anon to figure out how he goes about getting money.

Maybe he gets a part time job.
Perhaps he has a giant yard sale.
Probably not beg other countries for money since... yeah, they'd say no.
Whore himself out? I'm sure that's been done before.

ANYWAY. You see where this is going. Make with the lulz. The funnier, the better.

Bonus 1: Managing to include smut in a scenario that does not involve self-prostitution.
Bonus 2: Making Alfred dress up as Ronald McDonald and scaring away the children.
Bonus 3: Someone tries to sell America on Ebay.

Summary: America tries to earn money with a lemonade stand. Canada points out the flaw in his plan.

c:canada, c:america, f:part 09, f: ★, d:no pairing, g:north american brothers

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