[part nine: fill] Can You Feel the Love Tonight? [Spain/England, OC!Humans]

Jan 13, 2011 22:21

Title: Can You Feel the Love Tonight?
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: Spain/England, OC!Humans
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: Two nations are among a crowd of people comprised of both their citizens; IDK, a footbal match, a concert, some kind of embassy, a 'meeting of cultures', a cultural exchange, presenting the results of a coordinated scientific effort, even the Olympics (because yes, there can be citizens of other nations present)...whatever.

Those two nations finally confess their feelings or kiss and hug and snuggle all warmly and lovingly with each other in the middle of the crowd.  And suddenly, their citizens feel all warm and good and it's all an explosion of love between those two nation's citizens.

Bonus if their leaders, who know their identities, also feel the lovemeter go off the scales and smile and wink at each other and/or their nations

Summary: "From there, the game got a lot more interesting."

c:spain, c:england, o:original character, p:england/spain, f:part 09, f: ★, d:games/sports

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