[part nine: fill] Drought [Prussia, Germany]

Jan 13, 2011 21:26

Title: Drought
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Prussia, Germany
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: I'm sure most of us have read at least one vampire story where master vampire creates fledgling vampire and tells fledgling vampire to go kill/drink the blood of X human-only to have fledgling vampire freak and not go through with it. Master vampire is not amused, but eventually Fledgling vamp and human X fall in love.

So, this anon wants to see a fill like this-With Mastervampire!Prussia, Fail!FledgingVampire!Germany and Human!N.Italy

No Twilight, please

Bonus:There's Spain/Romano somewhere in there
Bonus 2: There VAMPIRE!Spain/Romano

Summary: "There is a flash of (pain and warmth and hazy hazy hazy throbbing red and slick and metallic is that him is that his) something, and Ludwig remembers the feel of those teeth on his neck and wrists, the smaller pains against a larger one, drowning in viscous blackness before waking up again."

k:vampire, c:germany, f:part 09, f: ★, c:prussia, d:magic/supernatural, d:no pairing

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