[part nine: fill] To Be a True Hero [America, Canada, Sealand, Liechtenstein, Seychelles]

Jan 13, 2011 20:49

Title: To Be a True Hero
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: America, Canada, Sealand, Liechtenstein, Seychelles, Cuba.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: It's an AU, obviously. Alfred and Matthew are orphaned brothers (not twins, Alfred is a couple years older). They've been on their own, living on the streets for years. They always run away if an orphanage tries to take them in. Why? Because Alfred has superpowers. Super strength is the obvious choice, but it's really up to the anon. It just has to be something pretty easy to hide. The government wants to get its hands on children with these sort of powers, and so Al and Matt are always on the run from government agents.

Unfortunately, their problems are about to get worse, because all of a sudden Matthew begins gaining his own powers, and they're not nearly as easy to hide, since Matthew can't control them very well. In my dream it had something to do with electricity and exploding lightbulbs, but again, it's up to the anon.

So now the government is right on their tails, and it's harder than ever to hide. What will the boys do?!

Why they have powers, how they got them, why the government wants them, all of that is up to the anon. Like I said, this was based on a dream, so it's pretty vague. I don't care about pairings either, though I'd prefer NOT Alfred/Matthew just because they're brothers and young teenagers and that's not my thing. But go wild! I would give my left arm for multiple fills!

BONUS: Arthur and/or Francis as one of the government agents
BONUS II: Because they've always had to rely on each other, Alfred is extremely protective of Matthew, even to the point of getting hurt to protect him.

Notes: Alternate Universe.

Summary: It's a tough life on the streets for these kids. But things are about to get very strange...

c:canada, d:alternate universe, f: ★, c:sealand, c:cuba, d:no pairing, c:america, f:part 09, d:magic/supernatural, c:liechtenstein, c:seychelles

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