[part nine: fill] Revolutions [OCs, Russia]

Jan 13, 2011 18:16

Title: Revolutions
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Human OCs, mentions of Russia
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: Anon was inspired when reading Sandman.

A group of people (conspirators, cultists, magicians, rebels etc) believe that if they capture a nation's embodiment they will gain control of that country. They set out to capture a country and use them for their own empowerment.

Captured nation can be anyone. Authors can take this idea where they wish!

Personal suggestions are:
- It's not true, much to the groups disgruntlement and dismay when they find out
- It is true and suddenly it's a race to try and free the captured nation before crazy shit goes down and WWIII starts (or the country undergoes a drastic social/political reform, depending on who the culprits are)
- Awesome rescue party is go!

Anon would also kill for an actual Sandman tie-in, i.e England captured at the same time as Morpheus and kept in a cell next to him

Summary: Revolutionaries decide to conjure up their nation's personification.

o:fictional character, f:part 09, f: ★, d:magic/supernatural, c:russia, d:no pairing, d:crossover - comics

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