[part nine: fill] First Name Basis [America/England]

Nov 25, 2010 21:06

Title: First Name Basis
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: America/England, France, Prussia.
Rating: 2 Stars.

Original Request: I always see Arthur as the older one, or at least being in an authoritarian role, in AUs (which is kinda fitting but still!)

With a school AU setting, I'd like to see uncontrollable/violent/wild/troubled/whatever punk!Arthur finally being forced to go see a counselor by his school as they're tired of his behaviour and running out of money to pay for all the damages he causes. What the school doesn't know is that over the sessions, a relationship has been forming between Arthur and the counselor. One that's not so innocent and certainly not appropriate.

The counselor can be anyone you'd like, with whatever pairing. USUK, FrUK, Prussia/UK, Russia/UK, Spain/UK, heck whatever! Go wild anons, I'm not particular on pairings.

Notes: Alternate Universe.

Summary: Arthur Kirkland, delinquent, doesn't need a counselor. Especially one like Alfred Jones.

p:america/england, c:prussia, c:america, k:alcohol, c:england, f: ★★, c:france, f:part 09, d:alternate universe - gakuen hetalia, k:teacher/student

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