[part nine: fill] Latvia's Wedding [Russia/Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, ensemble]

Nov 25, 2010 20:33

Title: Latvia's Wedding
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Russia/Latvia, Russia/Lithuania, Estonia, ensemble
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: I had an idea where Latvia tries to sell himself as a mail order bride in a desperate attempt to get someone to buy him and take him away from Russia. Because anyone has to be better than Russia, right? Unfortunately, Russia finds out what Latvia's up to and decides to buy him himself. At first Latvia is upset, but he thinks that Russia buying him won't change anything, that it was just a way for Russia to shoot down his plan and keep Latvia living in his house. But then Russia really does want to marry him, much to Latvia's horror. And Russia always gets what he wants...

Summary: Latvia didn't mean for it to turn out this way, but maybe marrying Russia won't be so bad after all.

p:lithuania/russia, c:finland, f: ★, c:russia, g:ensemble, c:lithuania, p:latvia/russia, c:hungary, d:marriage, c:belarus, f:part 09, c:estonia, c:latvia

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