[part six: fill] Because a Letter Wouldn't Be Enough [South Italy, ensemble]

Sep 29, 2010 01:19

Title: Because a Letter Wouldn't Be Enough
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: South Italy, ensemble
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: Country A & Country B have a really sweet, fluffy established relationship, and everything is going well except for the fact that Country A is dying (for whatever reason anon desires) and deliberately hides it from everyone, especially Country B. Knowing that he has a limited amount of time left, Country A tries to do as much as possible with Country B, and secretly keeps a video diary of sorts to give to Country B. So in the end, Country A dies and Country B finds & watches the video. Sobbing & post-death angst ensues.

Make it US/UK or Spain/S. Italy, please.

Notes: Character death. Request not filled by what's written so far.

Summary: When Prussia dies, South Italy wonders how long it will be before he meets the same fate.

d:character death, c:south italy, f: ★, d:no pairing, f:part 06, g:ensemble

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