[part eight: fill] The Huntsman and the Wolf [Russia/America, Canada]

Aug 29, 2010 02:18

Title: The Huntsman and the Wolf
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Russia/America, Canada
Rating: 2 Stars

Original Request: Fantasy AU take on Little Red Riding Hood with America as Red and Russia as the Wolf. Smut would be a nice addition but it's not needed. If it's there please no shota and no rape/dub/non-con.

Bonus: America finds himself in the supposedly haunted/over-run by monsters woods because Canada (or someone else) dares him that he couldn't spend the night there.

Summary: A trek through the woods becomes less than innocent when one brother takes a dare to stay in the woods overnight.

c:canada, d:alternate universe, d:fairy tale/folklore/mythology, c:russia, c:america, f: ★★, p:america/russia, d:magic/supernatural, f:part 08

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