[part eight: fill] In God's Name [Denmark]

Aug 29, 2010 00:48

Title: In God's Name
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: Denmark.
Rating: 2 Stars.

Original Request: So I was surfing YouTube and this song (from the Hunchback of Notre Dame: [see link below] if you haven't heard it) came up in my random clicking. I'd like to see a historical fic based on this song- a nation who is currently hurting from war or sickness is praying to God to just help their people. They don't even have to believe in God if you don't want, or they could be pleading to any sort of high power, I just want to see them desperate to see their people saved, because they care that much. Even if they keep on hurting, so long as their people are okay, they'll be happy. Anything else goes, just keep it decently serious.

BONUS: The character isn't any of the Axis or Allied powers. I love them as much as the next Hetalia fan, but I'd like to see some of the less popular nations get some shine time. But if you have an urge to write for the main cast, I won't complain. =D

Summary: The two contenders believe in the same God, right? Then why is He letting them tear him apart, letting his people die, and allowing Sweden raze his lands?

Miscellaneous Links:
- YouTube -- God Help the Outcasts - Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Wikipedia -- The Count's Feud

c:denmark, f: ★★, f:part 08, d:no pairing

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