[part eight: fill] A Gamer's Romantic Wet Dream... Or Nightmare [Greece/Japan]

Aug 29, 2010 00:18

Title: A Gamer's Romantic Wet Dream... Or Nightmare
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: Greece/Japan, Britannia Angel.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: Greece/Japan crack. Japan wakes up one day and finds that he now sees everything as a dating sim. With the border and the text and everything. Funnily enough, he's going out with Greece on this day, and the choices the dating sim offers become...increasingly bizarre.

Bonus: At one point, the dating sim tells Japan to "put it in".

Summary: He must be dreaming that he's in a dating sim. So, why not go along with it?

d:angel, c:japan, p:greece/japan, f:part 08, f: ★, d:magic/supernatural, c:greece

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