[part eight: fill] An Albino's Deathwish [Prussia]

Aug 12, 2010 03:29

Title: An Albino's Deathwish
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Prussia
Rating: 2 Stars

Original Request: Germany/Ukraine, Prussia/Belarus, double first date.

Germany all awkward and crushing; Ukraine hoping that Ludwig is her key into the EU; Prussia being awesomely inappropriate; Belarus only coming because her sister blackmailed her into it.

All that awesome, awkward, stupid first date stuff. Preferably no tears- I want a nice day to be had by all! Make us laugh and make us daww.

Bonus: Russia stalking the 4 of them, attempting to break up Ukraine/Germany and desperately trying to make Belarus/Prussia work.

Summary: Prussia is too awesome for this date.

f: ★★, f:part 08, c:prussia, d:no pairing

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