[part eight: fill] Much I do for my Gay-friend [Poland/Lithuania, female Nations]

Aug 12, 2010 03:14

Title: Much I do for my Gay-friend
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Poland/Lithuania, female Nations
Rating: 2 Stars

Original Request: Poland is drinking with the other girls (can be at a bar, in a hotel room, wherever), and they're all talking about their various personal lives. In between the usual vents about how their sex life with X is awful and how so-and-so is totally overprotective of them, Poland starts sobbing about how he like, totally loves Liet and Liet is being like such a clueless idiot about it.

The girls decide to help him out, because Poland is one of them and they are in no way hoping to watch some hawt secks. Nope, definitely not.

The girls think of and execute every possible way to get Lithuania to notice Poland... apart from just flat-out telling him, of course. Threats, begging, bargaining, you name it, they do it.

Eventually, we get DRAMATIC CLIMAX, with DRAMATIC MUSIC swelling. Then the happy ending, because this anon likes clichés.

BONUS: "The girls" includes all eight canon girls (Hungary, Liechtenstein, Taiwan, Vietnam, Belarus, Seychelles, Ukraine, and Belgium).
DOUBLE BONUS: Liechtenstein is one of the ones who does the threatening.

Summary: After hearing Poland's despair at Lithuania not reciprocating his affections, Hungary and the girls decide to wage a campaign in his favor.

c:ukraine, c:poland, p:lithuania/poland, c:lithuania, c:hungary, f: ★★, c:belarus, f:part 08, c:liechtenstein, c:seychelles

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