[part eight: fill] Stretch Out and Wait [France/Prussia]

Aug 12, 2010 03:12

Title: Stretch Out and Wait
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: France/Prussia
Rating: 3 Stars

Original Request: Germany is fed up with Prussia interrupting the world meetings (even though it's not like they accomplish much... but that's not that point!)
So he ties Prussia up and leaves him at home while he goes to the meeting.
But what he doesn't know is that the meeting has been canceled for whatever reason but Germany doesn't find out until much later
(idk, really big traffic jam or something? make something up?)
so while Germany is elsewheres, other countries/nations drop by Germany's house only to find Prussia all tied up

Sexy times ensue! (Uke!Prussia please !!!)

It can just be one country/nation or it can be multiple nations at a time or even one after another etc, you choose C:

Summary: Germany has handcuffed Prussia to a stair railing to keep him from playing pranks at the meeting. France happens upon Prussia and decides to take advantage.

p:france/prussia, c:france, f:part 08, c:prussia, f: ★★★

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