[part eight: fill] By the Dawn's Early Light [America]

Aug 12, 2010 00:08

Title: By the Dawn's Early Light
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: America
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: I requested this some time ago, but it never got filled. Not sure if I'm allowed to request again, but I NEED it: CivilWar!Alfred

Alfred's in a state of internal turmoil, so naturally he would feel the pain his people are feeling. Make it extremely dark and depressing. And none of the other countries can help him; he has to do this all on his own.

Bonus 1: Alfred locks himself away somewhere so no one can find him or see the pain he's going through.
Bonus 2: Alfred suffers physically AND mentally. A LOT. Self inflicted or otherwise.
Bonus 3: Make me cry and I will happily marry you.

Summary: Since he is both - or maybe, neither - he cannot pick a side. The battle rages outside his door and within himself.

c:america, f:part 08, f: ★, d:no pairing

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