[part eight: fill] The Burdens We Bear [Canada/America, England/America, US States]

Aug 11, 2010 23:34

Title: The Burdens We Bear
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: Canada/America, England/America, America's States. Implied previous France/America, Mexico/America.
Rating: 3 Stars.

Original Request: America almost dies during childbirth (bleeding Kansas perhaps?)

bonus: concerned significant other/father (nation is up to anon)

Notes: M-preg. Chapter 1A is found at the bottom; all other fills follow from the top.

Summary: Canada stays by his brother's side, as he gives birth to new states while his children's conflict nearly kills him.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Deleted Scene -- Egypt
- Art by the Author -- America and Canada (Chapter 5)
- Art by the Author -- Canada hugging America from behind

p:america/england, p:america/canada, c:canada, o:america's states, c:america, c:england, k:m-preg, f:part 08, f: ★★★

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