[part eight: fill] More Native To The Heart [England, William Shakespeare]

Aug 11, 2010 23:19

Title: More Native To The Heart
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: England, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth I
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: So there are many (or not) requests and fills of Nations with their bosses but how about some Nations and non-presidents with great contribution or are famous?

There is already an Alfred and Amelia Earhart fill (and I am SO happy there was before I requested) while Francis and Jeanne d' Arc is practically canon so I want to see something else... Like HRE and Johann Sebastian Bach, England and William Shakespeare, Japan and the Shinsengumi... etc etc.

Summary: England cannot help but want to meet the man who loved and used his language so very well.

c:england, f:part 08, f: ★, d:no pairing, o:historical figure

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