[part seven: fill] It sounded like a good idea at the time.. [Tony, Spain, Prussia, France, England]

Jul 10, 2010 17:12

Title: It sounded like a good idea at the time... (scroll down)
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: Tony, Spain, Prussia, France, England, Cuba, America. Mentions of OC!Maya, OC!Aztec, and Tony's caring unit, as well as small allusions to Rome, China, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Egypt.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: Once upon a time, the western European countries colonized the Americas. In this AU, they never even had the time to consider it.

When 1492 comes along, Columbus arrives to the Americas to find it as technologically advanced as current day time (same countries, too), and his arrival on their shores has now made them aware of just how 'under-developed' the 'Old World' Nations are. In 20 years time, the Europeans come to realize that the once 'indifferent to the rest of the continents' Americas are absurdly fascinated with putting the rest of the world up to speed - by force, if need be. US trying to be the Hero, has never sounded more frightening.

Notes: Alternate history.

Summary: Tony packs up and moves to where he's appreciated, i.e. the Americas. And in 1492, an intrepid and curious group of European nations sail west to solve a mystery.

- Part 3

Miscellaneous Links:
- Hetalia Kindex: Related fill, by the same author -- [part nine: fill] Tony is More Alike to America Than You Think [Tony, Ensemble] (1 Star)

c:original nation, c:spain, f: ★, c:prussia, d:alternate history, o:tony, c:cuba, d:no pairing, d:alien, c:america, f:part 07, c:england, g:bad touch trio, c:france, o:original miscellaneous

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