Who: YOU. I have invited you.
Where: 201 Franz Joseph (My & Yong Soo's dorm)
When: After the
picnic; 6 p.m.ish until whenever in the morning.
What: Start-of-term party!
Can other people participate? That's the entire idea.
Summary: Yong Soo said it was cool. Talk to each other, and I'll be thread-hopping.
COME IN, ALREADY, someone's gotta have a key card. )
And not so short after it some German albino crashed in with… is that bottle of vodka? It is! Dark blonde teen looks closely on that red eyed man. Oh no. It’s that insane guy who was punching almost every freshman out there. With some luck and lots of hiding Petr manages to avoid him. But now it seems that he was in really nasty situation.
“As long as he don’t see me…” young teen mutters to himself and tries to hide away looking for somebody who will speak to him so the albino wont recognize him as a freshman.
Red colour bloomed on his cheeks when Russian says that he wants to go to his room. “I… I … don’t get me wrong but I don’t think we are good friends to do this. I… I… I’m not prepared!”He yelps. When somebody invites somebody over to drink in his room it means only one thing. He wants to get in his pants. That is what Petr learns from his friends.
"Eh? Not prepared for what?" He asked in an innocent tone, even though he knew exactly what he was talking about. The idea of sex never passed his mind, as it normally resulted in bad consequences anyway. Then again, he can always tease him a little. "You silly bird. You do not need to prepare anything for me, if that is what you are saying. Even if it is customary in Russia to exchange gifts, you don't have to with me. Your friendship is good enough payment."
“Uhm, y… you can be right.” He mutters frowning.
And what did he means? Ivan really confused him. “Ok.” He says unsure. “If you say so.” He was confused. What should he do? But it is Vodka and Ivan is Russian so that means that vodka will be surely 40% or more.
Putting two plus two together Petr looks at Ivan. “Uhm… I’m from Friedrich II dorm… And you are maybe right. I will get you present some other time, ok?” He was still unsure and ready to run away every second but it was vodka.
Ivan smiled cheerfully, and started to walk his way out of the building while dragging Petr. Was it really this easy to get new friends to trust him? He must be improving on his people skills.
"Friedrick II? Oh that's not too far away then, yes? So we do not have to worry about that too much." He giggled a bit and looked over at the boy. "Thanks. You are very kind."
He was red in the face with anger and embarrassment. How can he just let him to drag him around like a doll?
“What to worry about?” That was also confusing. Why should he be worried about anything? “And you are welcome? “ He was unsure even with this.
"Then you'll just have to keep up with me, yes? Otherwise I might rip your arm off by accident," he replied in an oddly happy tone.
"Well if your dorm was far away, it would be bad to try to make back so late at night." Before he knew it, he was already outside and heading towards his building. This was going faster than he thought.
“T… that is nice from you.” Was his weak reply and he tried to be as fast as Ivan even if he’s shorter and has not such a long legs.
"Yes it is," he responded in his still cheerful tone. The sun had already set and the stars were shining bright from above. Oddly enough they just so happened to grab his attention. "Lovely, yes?" He asked, looking up at the sky.
Petr blinks. What was Ivan talking about now? He follows his gaze and saw those stars as well. “Oh, they are quite lovely. I didn’t know we can see stars from here.” He was surprised and small smile made it way to his face.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I did not think so either." He glanced down at Petr then back up at the sky. "They are mysterious. Some say they are the spirits of lost loved ones watching over us, while others say they are nothing more than big balls of gas. It is silly, yes?"
Petr looks above at those stars. “They remind me on… past on dead gods that Catholic killed.” He whispers. He himself was atheist but he loved to read about old ways and old times.
He frowns where did he hear that? After a while he remembers. “I got it! The same thing about stars was in Disney movie Lion King! Oh, how I loved this movie when I was little.” He laughs a little.
He giggled along with Petr. "I love that movie too. I heard it was based off Hamlet." He released his hold on his hand, just for a moment, so he could twirl around in a circle as he continued to gaze up at the stars. "I like the idea that they are spirits. There are so many so them, which makes you feel much less lonely, yes?
“Really? I didn’t know that” He tries to restore blood flow in his arm. That Russian strange really is strong.
"Well the basic story is the same, boy getting revenge on uncle for killing father, so it makes sense. I think the sequel is a lot like Romeo and Juliet too."
“You are right.” He mutters mainly to himself. He shivers again. It was getting really cold.
“So what about that vodka? “ He says hopefully. Maybe it will warm him up a little.
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