Looks like Himaruya updated his blog!
(Title): I think Nicol/Nicola ("Nikora") told me to draw him.
himaruya.blog61.fc2.com/blog-entry-870.html France Nii-san. Let's draw him even smarter in the fourth edition!
The girl (nyotalia) characters are great!
Please draw Romano as well!
Does their personality differ from their boy form?
Thank you!
Girl-Italy seems to have a completely different personality.
Edit: Here's a version of the image with
hitsuji_no_hibi's English translation by
a.imageshack.us/img844/489/himaruyablognitalyvsfem.jpg (first panel) Italy: Germany, Germany!!
(second): Italy: Why do you always have to bother me!!
England: That's because you keep doing stupid things!
Could you explain the difference between Sebo-kun's and Ita-chan's drawing styles?
Like this.
Their hairstyle is similar but parts of their faces differ.
EDIT: Thanks
hitsuji_no_hibi for all the translations! I put them all in order so it'll be easy to read them.