[mod post] Public Apology

Feb 21, 2009 01:03

To the members of the Hetalia Community: Hello, I am the lesser-known moderator and creator of this community, Youko Fujima. Today I am here to say something very important to the community.

I am sorry.

As some of you are well aware, a few days ago one of my co-moderators, mumumugen, posted a new rules/mod post concerning three things, which he addressed ( Read more... )

community: mod

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Comments 92

7owti5 February 20 2009, 16:29:58 UTC
I'm a little saddened by Mumumugen's resignation, and hope he will reconsider. It seems like a very harsh self-penalty to impose, as I believe his intentions were good, and that the issue he addressed is very complex and emotionally charged for many people, thus, near-impossible to handle gracefully.

My philosophy on most things is, interfere as little as possible to maintain the order you want. If you don't really need to intervene because the comm regulates itself well, then laissez-faire away! After all, mods have lives, too, and this is a very active community. Of course, if things will fall into ruin without intervention, then it's in all of our interest to keep things running well, right?

After taking a look at the rules, I believe what was being addressed a few days ago falls under Rule #1 of the comm. In that sense, it's already covered.


maplepie_tree February 20 2009, 16:32:03 UTC
I'd personally rather stick to the way things have been going so far, without the hate-posts and racist lashings. Whatever you, the mods, have been doing has been good for the community, and I stand by whatever decision you may make, although it's very nice to be able to take a vote on it. However, if push comes to shove later on, and somehow this community takes a turn for the worst, I'd rather the members be able to come to the mods for neutral help in fixing the problem.

Wait, that doesn't sound right...Perhaps what I meant to say was, "keep things the way they are, but don't show favoritism towards one opinion or the other. Tit-for-tat." And all that jazz. Of course, if some dousche decides to be their dousche-y selves, I give you full right to slap them on the wrist or ban them. Well, maybe not ban but punishment will be necessary.

Sorry...I'm rather ill at the moment, so I probably sound like the dousche instead of the other way around...Bollocks.


kainoliero February 20 2009, 16:32:37 UTC
I'm sad to see Mumumugen gone and if, in the future, he should return I would not oppose. And welcome! a_liger! to the awesome mod team! o7


atiko February 20 2009, 16:37:55 UTC
I have been happy with the way this comm has been moderated to far, am very saddened by mumumugen resigning, and voted no on laissez-faire. :|


downburst February 20 2009, 16:49:46 UTC
Honestly, I've been rather unhappy with how heavy-handed this comm has been run, so I say an emphatic YES to laissez-faire.


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