Fic: Like Cobwebs (Poland/Lithuania, PG-13)

May 08, 2010 15:05

Title: Like Cobwebs
Author: daegaer
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: non-descriptive references to body wastes
Summary: Lithuania wakes up four hundred years in the future.
Notes: This was inspired by a prompt on the kink meme, asking for mediaeval Lithuania in the modern world. (Sadly I forgot to bookmark the prompt). ETA: Thank you to whatisnarva, who tracked down the prompt. Many thanks to puddingcat for beta-reading! The fic is posted in three parts as the posting size limits on LJ made it difficult to divide up in another way. The title is taken from a quote from George Eliot's novel, Romola: Vague memories hang about the mind like cobwebs.

Like Cobwebs (Part One), Part Two, Part Three

-estonia, -belarus, -poland, -russia, -latvia, -lithuania, -hungary, -ukraine, fan: fic, -america, -bulgaria, -austria

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