Title: My Family By Ivan Bragniski
Author: Me.
Characters/Pairings: Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, General Winter, America, Korea, China, Italy, Romano, Germany, Poland
Rating: G
Warnings: Fail!grammar and ^_^
Summary: "Tell me about your family. How many people are in it? What do they do? Is there anyone you don't see very much?"
Ludwig's Family
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Comments 26
Awwwww. XD
"The last person outside our family that she got attached to was a kid named Alfred."
"Its fun when they run away…chases are good too."
Oh dear. XD Poor, Poor Toris. <3
Oh dear, my secret AmericaxBelarus fangirl is showing...
Good thing Romano runs fast...
I'm sure at the end of the day, he does like his job...somewhat.
lol Yong Soo was kind of annoying xD
Yao likes cute kids cofpedoD8cof ~ like Ivan *-*
He's really mean with Lovi. Chase him? ... xD
Why did Ivan creeped out Toris? I found him very cute o_o
We still <3 him anyway.
Pft, he's got a long way to go to catch up to Spain-I mean what?
No, it's just like tag...except Ivan's always it...and Lovino is scared for his life...
I guess it's a matter of personal taste. :)
*sporfle* Oh dear. XD
At this point, I started "d'awww"ing, and didn't stop for the rest of the fic. <333
"Alfred still writes to Natasha"
Found some typos.
*is in full support of the American boys pairing up with Russia's sister, pfffft.*
Completely missed that second one though. Thanks for finding them. I have a habit of making weird typos and not being able to catch them. O_O
Total complete agreement.
Pfffft, I made my own typo. *Russia's sisters.
Trust me when I say I completely understand and it happens.
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