[fic] More kink meme de-anonning

Mar 09, 2010 12:36

Sitting waiting for class to start is pretty boring, so I've decided to fix up and post some of the fills I did for the kink meme. Hope you all enjoy.

Title: I See Russia from Here
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Russia, Belarus
Rating: PG
Warnings: Sarah Palin
Summary: Sarah Palin and Belarus team up to get Russia.

She was there again, staring at him through the window. Russia hid behind the curtains, peaking out occasionally to see if maybe she was gone. He didn't understand at all what she wanted from him, but she was there all the time.

"Crazy stalker bitch. . ." He murmured to himself as he clasped his beloved water pipe to his chest. If she came any closer to his house he would throw it at her. If she came in he would hit her.

Glancing out the window again he saw something that made his blood run cold. "No, no, no. . ." He whimpered feeling like crying suddenly. This was worse than he could imagine! Not only was she coming closer but she wasn't alone. No, his little sister Belarus was with her now.

He could hear them approaching the house and quickly looked for somewhere to hide. Seeing the closet he ran into it and curled up beginning to rock back and forth as he heard them enter his house.

Biting his lips to keep himself quiet; he listened as the searched the house for him. And he began to tremble as they entered the room he was in.

Maybe they wouldn't find him. . .He prayed, listening to them walk about the room. He stopped moving when he heard someone stop in from of the closet door.

Slowly it opened and there they were, both of them smiling down at him.

"Let's become one."

Russia broke down then and cried in terror as they each grabbed him and dragged him out of the room.

That night all his neighbours stared at his house and the sounds of screams and sos coming from it. No one dared check on him of course. After all anything or anyone that could make Russia scream like a little girl must be the most terrifying thing in the world.


Title: Beer, Bad Advice and Boobs
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Germany, Prussia mentions of GerIta, PrusHun, AusHun
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Prussia gives Germany advice on love

"West. . .West, West, West." Prussia said shaking his head, or he thought he was shaking his head; it was hard to tell with the room spinning like it was. "When it comes to love you have to take them by the shoulders and just scream that you love them. Or else pansy, piano playing, glasses wearing, stuck up nobles will take them away." He emphasized this with a wave of his mug. "Damned ass, I was never interested in his vital region anyway." He turned to look at the man sitting beside him then. "If you're going to bother with love take it by the antenna, and pull it to you! Otherwise you'll just lose. Or get the crap beat out of you and still lose!"

Germany stalwartly tried to ignore his very drunk and very embarrassing brother. Why had he allowed Prussia to drag him out here in the first place? Brotherly advice, as if the other nation knew what that was! No, instead it had turned into this; some sort of pity party for Prussia over his lost love, or something.

Eye twitching as Prussia made a sound that was suspiciously like a sob, Germany ordered himself another beer. If this was going to be his night then he was going to be drunk enough that it would be erased from his memory come morning.

"But who needs them anyway!" Prussia said suddenly, sitting up straight. "Relationships are for sissies! I lived for over three hundred years as a very happy virgin!" He declared loudly, causing many of the men at the bar to turn at stare at him. "I don't need her or him!" He declared with a deranged cackle. "I can get anyone I want. Just you wait West, I'll show them!"

Getting to his feet, and surprisingly managing to stay there, he suddenly began to strip off his uniform jacket, and soon after the rest of his clothing. "No one can resist this body! Wahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Laughing like a deranged psycho path Prussia stood in the middle of the bar, naked except for his socks, uncaring as the people at the bar stared at him. "I'll show her what she's missing." He declared as he stumbled to the door. "Just you wait!" And then he was gone.

Rubbing at a twitching vein on his forehead Germany quickly ordered three more beers and promised himself never to ask for, or be forced into, advice from anyone ever again. He didn't think the trauma he had just witnessed would ever be wiped from his memory short of complete amnesia.


Title: And That’s How it Went
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia, Germany. Mentions of Lithiania, Poland, Hungary
Rating: R
Warnings: sex
Summary: Prussia's telling his little brother a tale about how the Battle of Grunwald [b]really[/b] went, using sock puppets

"Alright West, it's time to get to bed." Prussia said as he tucked his little brother in for the night. "But since I'm such a great brother I'm going to tell you a bedtime story. Heck I'm so great I'm going to use sock puppets to act it out!"

Germany stared blithely back at him blinking cutely. Prussia couldn’t help the mental ‘awww’ moment that came upon him then. It was of course pushed to the side because real men don’t ‘aw’, no matter how cute their little brothers are.

Shaking his head Prussia pulled out four sock puppets; two went on his hands and the other two his feet which he propped up on the bed. “I’m going to tell you about how I totally kicked as. . .butt at the battle of Battle of Grunwald aaaannnnddd how I saved the lovely Hungary from the evil Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.”

“First off, the two puppets on my feet are Poland and Lithuania.” Prussia explained and the wiggled his right foot. “I am Lithuania; I’m hoity-toity and not religious at all.” Then he wiggled his left foot. “And I’m like totally Poland.” He said, congratulating himself on his good impersonations of the two. “This handsome devil on my right hand is me, and the lovely lady on my left is Hungary. Now let’s start the story.”

He moved his left hand out and began. “Once there was a lovely nation named princess Hungary. . .”

Twenty minutes later Lithuania was somewhere across the room and Prussia was mashing Poland into a pulp on the bed. “And after crushing Poland, because his chicken of a partner ran away, princess Hungary came over to me and gave me a big kiss.” He demonstrated this by mashing the puppet’s mouths together. “Oh yes baby, you like that tongue action don’t you?”

“Oh Prussia I love you.” He said in a high falsetto. “Show me what a real man is.” Then he proceeded to make lewd gesture with the puppets before realizing what he was doing and hiding them behind his back. “Anyway, that’s how the Battle of Grunwald went.” He told Germany, who was lying down in bed with his eyes closed.

Prussia smiled at that, taking a moment to add another mental ‘awww,’ and offered himself congratulations for a job well done. Getting up he was just heading out when he heard Germany speak. “It’s alright if you lost the battle big brother, you’re still a hero to me. And I’m sure auntie Hungary will see it someday.” He said before falling completely asleep.

Feeling a little embarrassed Prussia grinned a little. “Kid’s cute but he’s gotta learn to tell truth from lies.” Because after all Prussia had won the Battle of Grunwald, at least in his head.


And that’s all I got for now. Hope you all enjoyed and got a laugh out of it!

-belarus, -poland, -russia, -lithuania, -prussia, -hungary, fan: fic, -germany

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