Title: Calamity Jones and others
thewaterbandit Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, fem!America, Taiwan, Seychelles, France, one OC!India
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: This is just some Hetalia fanart that has accumulated over the summer- all the bits that were worth posting, anyway.
Drawn shortly after listening to America's and France's versions of Maru Kaite Chikyuu for the first time. France is a good singer!
Let's see America's marvellous outfit in full colour, shall we?
from left to right: OC!India, slightly mannish Lichtenstein, Seychelles and Taiwan, trying to avoid being eaten by Seychelle's hair.
It had to be done.
Special bonus omake!
Oh America. Dropping your y chromosone does not make you less hilarious.