Title: A Little Knowledge … Part 5
nike2422Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Teen America, Teen Canada
Warnings: Graphic detail of hunting and processing wild game.
Summary: The year of tea parties in the colonies is about to begin. America and Canada spend one last quiet evening at home.
Time Frame: Colonial America
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Older Stuff Canada held his breath in the chilly late autumn air; his heart pounding in his ears as he watched the large buck follow a doe that did her best to act oblivious to the rutting deer sniffing the air behind her. In the corner of his eye he could see America behind the next tree, priming his rifle and he began doing the same. The doe stopped; ears and tail flipping nervously as she looked around, the buck unaware of anything but the object of his attraction as he trotted up to her, making a low grunting sound. She skittered off a little further and both Canada and America aimed their muskets at the same time. Canada was a bit quicker on the trigger and he grinned as he watched his ball hit the buck in the vitals. The deer lurched back when the bullet from America’s gun embedded itself into his skull and he fell down dead where he stood. All that remained of the doe was her white tail bouncing away from them into the forest.
“Nice shot.” America said, slapping Canada on the back as they both walked up to the deer. Kumajirou sniffed the ground and began lapping at the puddle of warm blood pooling under the animal. Canada grinned as he watched America pull out a large knife and crouched down to begin gutting the animal. His grin faded however when he saw the small silver medallion fall out of America’s shirt as he leaned over to cut into the deer.
After field dressing the deer they hauled the animal back to the house; leaving Kumajirou in the forest perfectly happy with his snout buried in the gut pile they left behind. Canada was quiet as they dragged the deer through the woods. America was home more lately, spending fewer nights out late. There was still plenty of grumbling in the colonies about unfair taxes and some sporadic demonstrations, but since the British soldiers had been acquitted of shooting into the mob of rabble that had been harassing them a couple of years ago it seemed as though things might settle down. America quit skipping school and he even managed to pass his exams before the Christmas break. Why was he wearing one of those medallions that the French silversmith had made now?
Canada looked up at America as he hauled two buckets of water from the well. The deer was now dressed and hanging from a tree next to the house. He heard a crack as America used the butt of his hatchet to break the pelvic bone. Kuma trotted out of the woods with one end of the deer’s intestines in his mouth, dragging a length of entrails behind him. He dropped it to waddle over and sniff the ground under the deer.
“Stand back.” Canada said as he dropped one bucket and splashed the empty cavity of the deer with the other. Bloody water rained down on Kumajirou’s head as he licked his chops.
“Let’s take the hide to the tanners in town tomorrow. I could use a new pair of shoes.” America said, caping the deer’s head before skinning it.
Canada dropped the empty bucket and picked up the full one. “The way you keep growing maybe you should get a second pair in the next size up.” He doused the deer down again and let the bucket fall, wiping off water that had splashed on his face with his sleeve.
“You’re doing a good job keeping up with me.” America chuckled as he used his knife to separate the hide from the deer. He stopped skinning long enough to cut the backstraps out of the carcass and added, “You could probably use a new pair yourself.”
He handed the tenderloins to Canada, who looked at them and smiled. “Supper?”
“Of course!” America replied, and went back to work pulling the hide off the deer.
Both colonies sat in front of the fire, bellies full of fresh venison. Canada sipped at a cup of precious smuggled tea courtesy of the Dutch, while America blew on his mug of coffee. The tea tax was the only British tax left, but the colonies refused to buy any British tea on principle and many had switched to coffee. Canada thought it smelled horrible but America insisted it wasn’t that bad and he actually liked it.
“Are you going to read more of that new book by Voltaire?” America asked.
Canada failed at suppressing a loud belch. “Sure.” And he slowly pulled out of his chair to fetch the book. “I think I left off where Amazan had just arrived in Batavia and noticed none of the women were flirting with him.”
An evil smirk formed on America’s face. “Perhaps if he snarled and licked their shoulders they would be more interested.”
Canada stopped turning pages and glared at the other colony. “You’re never going to let that go are you? Besides Voltaire’s talking about the Netherlands, Amazan left the German states already, remember?”
“Fine, whatever, just read already.”
Canada cleared his throat and began reading aloud from The Princess of Babylon. With Formosanta in hot pursuit, the hero (who for some reason Voltaire made a vegetarian. America patted his tummy full of deer meat and pitied the poor man) traveled to Albion with his unicorns. America made a quip that perhaps that’s where England’s imaginary unicorn came from but Canada ignored him as he read about Formosanta falling behind again as the hero backtracked the continent so he could go to Rome and then on to Gaul. When the princess caught up with Amazan only to find him in bed with an opera singer, America let out a hoot of laughter, “Those exploding genitals, they’ll get ya every time!”
Canada snapped the book shut. “That’s it, I’m going to bed.”
America drained his mug of coffee. “Sorry, couldn’t resist. Come into town with me tomorrow?”
Canada stood up and stared into the fire for a moment. If he went with him there was less chance of America getting into trouble. “Okay, sure. Goodnight.”
America watched Canada walk down the dark hallway with the polar bear bringing up the rear. Christmas was coming and America thought that if there was enough leather from the hide left perhaps he could have some new gloves made for a present.
Canada and America left the tanner’s shop and walked into the chilly air. Canada pulled the collar of his coat up under his chin to keep out the cold wind and followed America as he made his way through the busy street. There was a crowd standing on the warf at the harbor yelling at the tideman, who yelled back at the men standing there to let him and his workers pass to unload the tea off the ship. This only made the mob yell louder, shaking their fists and hurling curses and threats at the tideman.
A big smile broke across America’s face. He grabbed Canada’s arm and shouted, “Let’s go!”
Canada didn’t have a chance to protest as he was dragged into the angry crowd. America joined the others shouting obscenities at the tideman, who started shouting back and waving a piece of parchment in the men’s faces that he had orders from the king to unload the tea or else. A few men broke away from the crowd and made their way towards the large elm that America called the ‘liberty tree.’ One of the men pulled a piece of yellow cloth out of his coat pocket and tied it to a branch of the tree, then the small group left. Canada watched the men walk away and then heard America say, “I’ll see you later, I have somewhere I need to be.” He trotted off and blended in with the others as they broke away from the mob, but not before Canada saw him reach inside his shirt collar and pull on the ribbon tied around his neck. The silver medallion shimmered in the weak sunlight as he ran up the street toward Faneuil Hall.
Author’s Note: The only way we know the Sons of Liberty medals existed today is through written descriptions, none of the medals survived. There were no written records of who was a Son of Liberty obviously, and the patriots had to be wary of spies. Thanks for reading, the next part will be ready soon! (still working on the research!)