Title: ...
narcoleptic95Character(s) or Pairing(s): Russia, America, Ukraine
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: complete and utter lack of composition, Um a little blood, but for comedic affect? One Russian-Ukrainian issue represented
Summary: Genderbent Nations, doing their thing, and a couple of pchats.
Now on to the pchats~!
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1. Higgins Inks on cardstock, America is in fatigues, Russia is holding a Catherine glass
2. Ukraine is easy, Russia's hair...Is not. A moment of peace while Belarus is asleep.
3. ...Guess the situation. Getting better at Russia's hair. Ukraine can make the KolKol face too.(Tell me if it's inappropriate or in bad taste, please)
4. Generic picture is generic. Still not happy with his hair. I have forgotten who drew that fish(D :), tell me who you are so that I may credit, please.