[DOUJINSHI] The Cat's Cradle ch1.1

May 31, 2009 00:16

[[ Previous Posts One, Two (animation), Three, Four, Five (doujn), Six (doujin), Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen
As always, you're allowed to use any of my art for icons, banners, etc. As long as it's labeled "art4icons" and you don't claim it as yours. Credit is also required, please, by linking to my deviantART. Also, I'd love to see anything you use it on! (But this is not necessary) ]]

Title: The Cat's Cradle chapter 1, part 1
Author/Artist: Author: seayari Artist:psychoxbreaker
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Lithuania, Prussia, Allied Powers, Germany, Japan...
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: A little blood
Summary: "There were a lot of things Lithuania knew and didn’t know. But he was certain this man was depending on him, and only him. There was no other way. AUish"

Hello, I've been posting it at DA page by page, but I figured I'd share here too, but only at every "part" so I won't spam too terribly.

This is an illustrated version of the The Cat's Cradle by seayari. It's a Lithuania/Russia story, with a very intense plot--I obviously reccommend you read it to get the full effect ;D

It's a long story (and not finished yet) but I'm hoping to finish at least 2 chapters this summer. I'm averaging about 2 pages a day when I'm not busy, so we'll see..!

You can also follow it on deviantArt: here

Thank you for viewing!

-england, -china, x do not use this tag - doujin, -russia, -lithuania, -prussia, -america, -france, -germany, x do not use this tag - comic, -japan

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