[ Mod Post ] Layout Contest

May 30, 2009 15:21

With well over 10,000 members and still growing strong, this place is sadly lacking something... Something beautiful and eye-catching...

What could that be?

An awesome Hetalia themed layout!

It's been too long since we've all had to stare at LJ's boring templates and not even have a single header that screams AXIS POWERS HETALIA for the whole world to see! It's now time to finally bring a change to that!

So I present to you, the first ever layout contest for
hetalia! It is time to squeeze out those creative juices and make something amazing that thousands will see everyday!

So here's the rules!

- Official Art Only! Can be from the comics, webblog, online gallery, or anime
- Fanart is not allowed but making custom background swirls and whatnot for the layout is accepted. Check out the background for an example!
- Link list required
- Tag list is highly recommended
What's the Link list and Tag list? Check out the two pictures bellow for the current examples on the current layout!

How to submit your layout!

- Create your Hetalia themed layout on LJ so we can check it out in action in an dummy/test account. We would like to be able to check it out during the whole span for the contest so it's not a good idea to put it on your account for a few days.
- Send a PM to a_liger with the url to the LJ with the layout you want to submit.
- TIP! The Hetalia comm gets a lot of web traffic! To prevent your layout images to suddenly break due to bandwidth restrictions, it is recommended to upload the images on either a host that has lots of bandwidth or on two different places so the image urls can easily be altered to bring them back until the bandwidth overloads again.

The time limit will be 3 weeks from now to give plenty of time to polish your layout into something amazing! After that, there will be a poll for not the mods but you! The members of the community to choose which layout should grace the community.

So make something amazing! Don't feel restricted at all! If you want to make a Shinatty-chan or Prussia's chicks themed layout, go for it!


fan: layouts, community: mod

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