
Jun 20, 2011 23:08

Hello everyone! I have a lot of homework due, so you know what that means... procrastination ( Read more... )

community: mod

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Comments 31

tarafishes June 21 2011, 06:13:15 UTC
I'm glad you've cleaned up the tags! Although when I noticed them being renamed and such I got very confused.

To make two tags into one, just make their name the same in the "manage tags" page.

However, you seem to have forgotten to replace the "official site" tag. I think we need that? Maybe a "himaruya's blog" or "kitayume" or something tag? Although I think "official site" covers everything just fine. . . .


wiccat June 21 2011, 06:17:52 UTC
Hm, I could've sworn I tried that and it didn't want to combine... I'll try again.

"Official site" is still there, it's just been separated into categories:
Official: artwork/doodles for just pictures
Official: comic for entries that have actual strips
Official: miscellaneous for everything else that he posts, such as photographs
and Official: scanlation for things scanlated from his site.


tarafishes June 21 2011, 06:20:48 UTC
Huh. Weird. It should work--either LJ's being glitchy still or that just doesn't work whatsoever.

Aaah, only official: scanlation shoes up on the taglist. Although I suppose they wouldn't show up if you didn't put anything under them yet. That makes sense!


wiccat June 21 2011, 06:22:48 UTC
Oh! Ahaha, yeah, that's probably why. I should go put some posts under them just so folks won't get confused.


vilemuse June 21 2011, 06:31:19 UTC
What is the doujin tag now?


wiccat June 21 2011, 06:32:16 UTC
There is "doujinshi: raw" and "doujinshi: scanlation"


vilemuse June 21 2011, 15:23:26 UTC
Sorry I didn't see that when I looked.


kecen June 21 2011, 06:42:07 UTC
I would like pairing tags, but I understand if it would be too difficult with the limited number of tags that can be added per community.

I like how the doujinshi tags are being rearranged. Makes it a lot easier :)
Although doujinshi: selling would be useful, because sometimes all I get on that tag are selling posts :|


wiccat June 21 2011, 06:45:30 UTC
Yeah, with the amount of characters in this series, having a pairing tag is a bit insane, sorry.

Don't worry about that, from now on folks wanting to sell their doujinshi will have to use "ad: sales", and doujinshi being shared with the community will be under either "doujinshi: raw" or "doujinshi: scanlation".


fh14 June 21 2011, 06:52:58 UTC
/goes through list with comb and makes epically long post. sorry/

I have a few suggestions for the character tags right off the bat
-cyprus (turkish republic of northern) instead of just "cyprus". A Cyprus character appears in that old "Axis Powers Hetalia: The CD" Drama CD but has yet to appear in any sketches. His younger brother (who also appeared on the CD) is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and is really the character referenced under that tag. This switchover would prevent a huge headache if/when Himaruya gets around to giving Cyprus a face.
-botswana All three of these guys have had chibi heads appear in the original Gakuen Hetalia demo when Seychelles was in class. kenya and zimbabwe only have tags because they resembled figures Himaruya used as "coat hangers" when posting designs of the Africa Class uniforms. Regardless, all five have physically appeared, so it would stand to reason that they get tags too...
-clans of japan?
-prefectures of japan?
-osaka? - I put question marks next to them because I ( ... )


fh14 June 21 2011, 06:56:30 UTC
Or I guess it would just be formatted

-cyprus turkish republic of northern

and maybe "italy north (veneziano)" would look nice? IDK /shrugs


wiccat June 21 2011, 06:57:47 UTC
Alrighty, I'll change the Cyprus tag and add in the others, with the exception of the clans/prefectures because I have no idea if that should go in or not... I'm gonna say no for now.

Genderbends and nekotalia both already have a tag, they were one of the new ones I added in. You just can't see them right now because the tags are empty, but I'm currently looking for entries to stick in there so they'll show up.


fh14 June 21 2011, 07:04:50 UTC
Oh I formatted it the way I did because I figured some people might have difficulty finding the "TRNC" tag and it would still be there when they looked for "cyprus" (though I suppose Northern Cyprus could work as well if there's a character limit for tagging, seeing as that's that nation's official name now).

Okay I'll stop bothering you with my OCD now. /slips off into corner/


zacloud June 21 2011, 10:51:12 UTC
Hmmm... I dunno, I liked the old tag system just fine...

Why so specific on the Official post tags? He often has a little bit of everything anyway (sketches, comics, etc). So we'd end up having to probably use all of those for over half of his posts.

Me, I've been basically using this community as a way to keep up with Sensei's posts, like an eventually-translated direct copy. With it being spread across so many tags now, it'll be impossible to simply follow along. We would now have to go to the tag list and click around through several different tags, not sure which ones are in which order.

Not sure if I'm wording this very clearly... Basically, with just "Official", I could just go there, scroll down to the last update I've seen, and see what's new. But now, I'd have to check under all the different tags one at a time, and possibly be seeing the updates out-of-order, having to jump back and forth. Know what I mean?

And what's with the dashes and equal signs too, while we're at it?


wiccat June 21 2011, 16:33:25 UTC
Well, my original thought was that it might make things easier if someone were to be looking for a specific picture or strip, that way they don't have to go through everything to find it. And... there's only three tags for the official posts... I'll take it into consideration and see how I feel after a few days into this new system.

The dashes and equal signs were to just keep things in order, and it's much shorter than "character:_____" especially for posts that list a bunch of characters.


zacloud June 21 2011, 20:13:08 UTC
The other alternative, would be to keep those, but have an additional "Hima-Blog" or "Bamboo Blog" or "Kitayume" or "Official Blog", or some-such tag that would be posted with all of those regardless of what they contain (example: tags for a translated comic can be... "official: translation" "hima-blog" "-italy" "-germany" etc).

That's the only way I can think of to keep the current system, but still give visitors a one-stop tag for following Himaruya-sensei's blog.

On another note though, I actually DO like the dash-character name system you've got there, it does make it much easier to keep things organized with so many tags. So great job on that and the groups :3


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